Kuenning Christmas Letters
This Web page contains some (though not all) of the annual Christmas
letters written by Geoff Kuenning. If you missed one, now is your
chance to click "Back" on your browser and miss the rest as well.
Don't say we didn't warn you!
- 1998, "Adoption" (PDF, 28K)
- 2000, "Toilet Training" (PDF, 61K)
- 2001, "Toddler Adventures" (PDF, 616K)
- 2002, "Fish Pond" (PDF, 271K)
- 2003, "Hawaii" (PDF, 982K)
- 2004, "German Christmas" (HTML, because we were on
sabbatical and never printed it on paper)
- 2005, "Return Home" (PDF, 2.0M)
- 2006, "Kitchen Remodel" (PDF, 786K)
- 2007, "Montana Vacation" (PDF, 2.9M)
- 2008, "Hobbies" (PDF, 2.5M)
- 2009, "Elephant Seals" (PDF, 1.8M)
- 2010, "New Zealand" (PDF, 1.2M)
- 2011, "Christmas Lights" (PDF, 2.0M)
- 2012, "Road Trip" (PDF, 2.4M)
- 2013, "Teenager" (PDF, 1.5M)
- 2014, "College Tours" (PDF, 619K)
- 2015, "Xandie's Trips" (PDF, 939K)
- 2016, "Many Trips" (PDF, 3.5M)
- 2017, "Pets" (PDF, 253K)
- 2018, "Sabbatical" (PDF, 1.9M)
- 2019, "Dummies" (PDF, 2.5M)
- 2020, "Genealogy" (PDF, 841K)
- 2021, "Squirrels" (PDF, 1.7M)
- 2022, "Pandemic" (PDF, 13M)
- 2023, "Retirement" (PDF, 2.2M)
- 2024, "Lost Daughter" (PDF, 1.6M)