Bomb Stats for 'Spring18'
This file is updated continuously. It contains the latest information
that we have received from your bomb. Your bomb will not show up here
until you have defused or exploded a phase. Your most recent solution
has been checked for validity. If your solution is marked INVALID,
this means that the autograder couldn't authenticate your solution.
You won't receive any credit for an invalid solution.
Last updated: Fri Feb 12 10:44:07 2016
Bomb Name |
Phases Defused |
Explosions |
Score |
Comments |
Summary [phase:cnt]
[1:0] [2:0] [3:0] [4:0] [5:0] [6:0] [7:] total defused = 0/0
0 people working in 0 teams.
0/0 people have defused their bombs.