Zachary Dodds
Computer Science Department
Harvey Mudd College
301 Platt Boulevard
Claremont, CA 91711

Phone:   (909) 607-1813

  Courses       Clinic    24gs     24gen     23gs     22gs     21gs     21pdf     20gs     20pdf     19pptx     19pdf     18pptx     18pdf
  Student Projects    Summer Start-up
  SIGCSE    '21: Scripting ∀     '20: NEWR     '19: Comp1 as Literacy   '18    '13    '12   '08    '07   '06
  EAAI    '17 EAAI nsg challenge    '16 EAAI hands-on robotics workshop    '11 EAAI    '10 EAAI
  AAAI    '11 AAAI Robotics Exhibition: Education track    AAAI '10 RobEd track    IJCAI '09 SRC
  AI Magazine 27(1)    AAAI '08 AI Education Colloquium    AAAI Spring '07 Symposium
  Programming Contests    HMC's Last Annual Duct Tape Design Contest
  Links    CV   as of 1/2/2022     NSF-style biosketch  as of Jan. 2024   Aug. 2021 NSF style
  Spring 2025    This spring, Prof. Nishant Dass and I are re-piloting a class at the intersection
of economics, finance, and CS - Econ 176 - which draws from quantitative databases such as
the Alpha Vantage API.    If you overlap with this space, drop me a note!