Computer Science Research Jobs Listing Services
This page contains pointers to places where jobs in computer
science are listed. It emphasizes jobs requiring an MS or Ph.D. in
computer science. However, some of these sources also list jobs
requiring only a BS, jobs in EE or Cognitive Science, and the like.
General job references
The most comprehensive and well-organized
on-line list of CS job ads, of those I've located
so far, is Kaplan's list,
maintained by
Alan Kaplan. This list disappeared when Alan was moving from
U. Mass to Australia, came back on line for a while, but now seems not
to be kept current (e.g. no 1998 ads).
A wonderful general reference on internet job resources is
the Riley Guide.
Another list is available from Computists International
- The IEEE Computer Society
has on-line duplicates of the
ads in this month's edition of IEEE Computer.
- The
Association for Computing Machinery publishes job ads in CACM
and has an
on-line set of job listings.
- The
Computing Research Association
has an
on-line list of jobs ads from
its member institutions, primarily research universities.
These are duplicates of ads in Computing Research News, but stay on-line
for an extended period of time. To receive these ads by email or get
information about the list server, send one of
the following mail messages to
- subscribe jobs firstname lastname
- help
- The
Chronicle of Higher Education publishes ads for various jobs and
makes them available on-line. However, this
page contains only the current week's ads.
- IEEE Spectrum publishes ads for engineering positions of all
sorts. These occasionally include computer science positions.
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
has listings for jobs in mathematics. However, the math and CS departments
are often combined in small colleges, so there may be some CS or
mixed CS/math listings here.
- The University of Colorado used to maintain
database of computer science jobs but this page seems to be dead?
- CMU has a
list of faculty jobs.
The William C. Norris Institute runs the
Academic Position Network, which
lists academic jobs in a variety of areas. Wonderful interface, spotty
coverage of CS jobs.
References for specific areas
SPIE's list of optics related jobs
Job and postdoc announcements in AI,
Common LISP and Prolog are posted on the AI-Jobs mailing list
( and placed in an
archive .
For help on email subscriptions,
send mail with no subject field and a body that consists of the single
word help to
I would like to make this list comprehensive but, of course, I may
have missed something. If you know other places where people post
MS/Ph.D. level jobs in computer science, or if something on this page
seems wrong or out-of-date, please send email to
Thanks to everyone who has contributed pointers!

This page is maintained by
Margaret Fleck.
Last modified