Calendar for CS 105, Fall 2006

I try to make the current week correct as of the previous Friday. Future weeks are estimates.

Reading assignments are in red.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday






























 Tour of Computer Systems
 Ch. 1



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




 Bits, Bytes, Ints
 Ch. 2.1-2.3


 Ch. 2.4
 Lab 1: Bits




 X86 Assembly
 Ch. 3.1-3.6


 X86 Assembly (cont'd)
 Ch. 3.4-3.5
 Lab 1: Bits
 Lab 2 Preview




 X86 Control Flow
 Ch. 3.6.1-3.6.5


 X86 Switch Statements
 Ch. 3.6.6
 X86 Procedures
 Lab 1 Due
 Lab 2: Debugger




 X86 Arrays
 Ch. 3.8-3.13


 X86 Structs
 X86 Miscellaneous
 Ch. 3
 Lab 2 Due
 Lab 3: Bomb




Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Program Performance
 Ch. 5.1-5.9


 Machine-Dependent Performance
 Ch. 5.10-5.16
 Lab 3 Due
 Lab 4: Buffer




 Ch. 6.1-6.5


 Ch. 6


 Lab 4 Due



 Fall break

 Fall break

 Strategic planning

 Strategic planning

 Strategic planning
 Midterm available



 Cache (cont'd)
 Ch. 6


 Memory allocation I
 Ch. 10.9-10.9.12
 No lab

 Midterm due 5 PM



 Midterm review



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Memory allocation II
 Ch. 10.9.13-10.11
 Lab 5: Allocator




 Virtual Memory I
 Guest lecturer: Rett Bull
 Ch. 10.1-10.6

 Virtual Memory II
 Guest lecturer: Rett Bull
 Ch. 10.7,10.8.4,10.12




 Ch. 8.2-8.4


 Ch. 8.1, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7




 Ch. 13.3-13.5


 Free day
 No lab
 Lab 5 due






 File Systems
 Lab 6: Ring Buffer


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




 Introduction to Networks
 Ch. 12.1-12.3


 Network Programming
 Echo client
 Echo client
 Ch. 12.4-12.7

 Lab 6 Due
























© 2006, Geoff Kuenning

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.