Professor Kuenning's Schedule for Spring 2008

Here is my schedule for the spring of 2008. Class times are shown in green; office hours are shown in blue. Blocks in pink are times when there is just no point looking for me. A non-pink block with a meeting listed means the meeting doesn't happen every week (as a general rule, I can be found in the office when the meeting isn't happening). Likewise, I'm often available during the "uncommitted" times.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00 Not here Research: Not in the office
9:00 Department Meeting Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely
11:00 Office Hours Clinic Presentations Faculty Meetings Research Meeting
12:00 Lunch Oldenborg Lunch Clinic Meeting Lunch
1:00 SSC Meetings Office Hours Uncommitted Office Hours Research
1:30 Art 100
2:00 Class prep Class prep
2:30 CS 182 CS 105 CS 182 CS 105
3:30 Research: Not in the office
4:00 Clinic Meeting Clinic Meeting Office Hours Colloquium
4:30 Clinic Meeting
5:00 Uncommitted Unlikely
5:30 Staff meeting Travel Time
6:00 Family Dinner in H-S
6:30 I have a life, you know. CS 105 Lab
7:00 The life continues...
8:00 A bit of life

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.