CS105, Spring 2008
Late-Work Policy

The late-work policy for this class is different for each type of work.


Quizzes are unannounced. They can be made up only for good reason.


The majority of labs will be started in the laboratory. It is your responsibility to complete the labs and turn them in on time. If you are late, then we want the lab to include a statement as to the reason. If your labs are late because of starting late, not realizing the amount of work involved, etc.—i.e., laziness—then we will deduct up to half the points.


There is no written homework. Instead, we will devote class time to a review of various problems. These problems will be solved in class by student groups. Your course grade will reflect your preparedness.


Extensions for certified emergencies will be treated individually.

© 2008, Geoff Kuenning

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.