Calendar for CS 105, Spring 2020

Reading assignments are in red. Readings may be done before or after class, whichever works best for you.

Practice problems are in purple. Practice problems are best done after the associated lecture. Practice problems marked iwith an asterisk (*) are especially important; if you are short on time you should concentrate on those ones. (If an asterisk precedes a range or practice problems, all of them are important.)


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday





















 Bits, Bytes, Ints
 Ch. 1, Ch. 2.1-2.3
 Practice: *2.1, 2.3-2.7, *2.8, 2.9-2.10, *2.12, 2.14, *2.15-2.17, 2.19, *2.21, 2.23, 2.27, *2.30, 2.33, 2.40, *2.42-2.44

 Bits (cont'd)

 Lab 1: Bits




 Bits (concl'd)


 Ch. 2.4-2.5
 Practice: 2.45-2.46, 2.50-2.52, *2.54
 Lab 1 continued


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




 Quiz 1: Data
 x86-64 Assembly
 Ch. 3-3.3

 X86 Assembly (cont'd)

 Ch. 3.4-3.5
 Practice: *3.1, 3.2-3.5, *3.6-3.8, 3.9-3.10, 3.11 (A & B)
 Lab 1 Due
 Lab 2: Debugger




 X86 Assembly (concl'd)

 X86 Control Flow
 Ch. 3.6
 Practice: 3.14, 3.16-3.17, *3.18, 3.20-3.21, 3.23-3.28, *3.29-3.30, 3.31

 X86 Control Flow (cont'd)

 X86 Procedures
 Ch. 3.7
 Practice: 3.32, 3.34-3.35
 Lab 2 Due
 Lab 3: Bomb




 Quiz 2: x86-64 Instructions
 X86 Procedures (cont'd)


 X86 Arrays
 Ch. 3.8
 Practice: 3.35-3.38, 3.40
 Lab 3 continued




 Guest Lecturer: Prof. Stone
 X86 Structs

 X86 Security
 Ch. 3.9-3.10
 Practice: 3.41-3.43, 3.4-3.49

 Guest Lecturer: Prof. Stone
 Return-Oriented Programming

 Midterm available 5 PM
 Lab 3 Due
 Lab 4: Attack!


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


 Ch. 8.2-8.4
 Practice: 8.1-8.4

 Processes (continued)

 Midterm due 5 PM
 Lab 4 continued




 Quiz 3: x86-64 Data; Processes
 Sample threaded program
 Ch. 12.3-12.4
 Practice: 12.6-12.7


 Threads (continued)

 Lab 4 Due (end of lab)
 Lab 5 will be released on March 30



 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break



 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break

 Cesar Chavez Day



 Lab 5: Ring Buffer

 Exceptions and signals (PDF)
 Ch. 8.1, 8.5, 8.7
 Practice: 8.7, 8.8


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


 I/O (PDF)
 Ch. 10
 Practice: 10.1-10.5
 Lab 5 continued




 Quiz 4: Asynchrony and I/O
 Cache (PDF)
 Ch. 6.3-6.6
 Practice: 6.8-6.20

 Cache (cont'd)

 Ch. 6

 Lab 5 due
 Lab 6: Cache




 Virtual Memory I (PDF)
 Ch. 9.1-9.5
 Practice: 9.1-9.2

 Virtual Memory II (PDF)
 Ch. 9.6-9.8
 Practice: 9.3-9.4, HW 9.11-9.13
 Lab 6 continued




 Quiz 5: Cache and Virtual Memory
 Network Programming (PDF)
 Echo client
 Echo server
 Ch. 11.1-11.4
 Practice: 11.4

 Program Performance (PDF)
 Machine-Dependent Performance (PDF)
 Ch. 5.1-5.6
 Practice: 5.1-5.4
 Lab 6 Due
 Lab 7: Networks




 Machine-Dependent Performance (cont'd)

 File Systems (PDF)
 Ch. 5.7-5.15
 Practice: 5.5-5.12

 File Systems (cont'd)


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Lab 7 Due (11:59 PM)





 Final available 9 AM







 Final due 5 PM (including seniors)



















© 2020, Geoff Kuenning

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.