Calendar for CS 125, Fall 2017

Reading assignments are in red. Readings should be done before class.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday






























 Structure of the Internet
 Ch. 1-1.3



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




 Structure of the Internet (cont'd)

 Ch. 1.4-1.8
 Homework 1: Network Parameters
 Lab 1: Wireshark Introduction

 Structure of the Internet (cont'd)





 Application-layer protocols: HTTP
 Ch. 2-2.2
 Homework 1 Due
 Homework 2: WHTTP and DNS
 Lab 2: Wireshark HTTP

 Application-layer protocols: Mail and DNS

 Ch. 2.3-2.4





 Application-layer protocols: P2P, video, and sockets

 Ch. 2.5-2.8
 Homework 2 Due
 Lab 3: Web Server

 Transport layer: UDP and Basic Reliable Transfer
 Ch. 3.1-3.4






 Ch. 3.5
 Homework 3: TCP
 Lab 4: Fake TCP

 Congestion Control

 Ch. 3.6-3.8





Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Network Layer Overview
 Ch. 4-4.2
 Homework 3 Due
 Homework 4: Data Plane

 Internet Protocol

 Ch. 4.3





 Software-Defined Networking

 Control Plane: Introduction
 Ch. 4.4-4.5, 5-5.2
 Homework 4 Due
 Lab 4 Due
 Lab 5: Wireshark TCP

 Control Plane: Routing

 Ch. 5.3-5.4





 Fall break

 Fall break

 Midterm available 5 PM
 Control Plane: SDN, ICMP, SNMP

 Ch. 5.5-5.8




 Link Layer: Introduction and EDC
 Ch. 6-6.2

 Lab 5 Due

 Link Layer: LANS

 Ch. 6.3-6.4


 Midterm due 5 PM



 Link Layer: MPLS, Data Centers, and Integration

 Ch. 6.5-6.8
 Homework 5: Link Layer
 Lab 6: Proxy Server


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Mobility: Wireless Links
 Ch. 7-7.3





 Mobility: Cellphones and Mobile IP

 Ch. 7.4-7.9
 Homework 5 Due

 Security: Cryptography
 Ch. 8-8.3





 Security: Authentication, E-Mail, and SSL

 Ch. 8.4-8.5

 Lab 6 Due
 Lab 7: WIreshark SSL

 Security: IPsec and VPNs

 Ch. 8.6-8.7





 Security: Wireless Security and OpSec

 Ch. 8.8-8.10


 Thanksgiving break

 Thanksgiving break

 Thanksgiving break



 Multimedia: Video and VoIP
 Ch. 9-9.3
 Homework 6: Security
 Lab 7 Due

 Multimedia: Conversational Applications

 Ch. 9.4



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




 Multimedia: QoS

 Ch. 9.5-9.6
 Homework 6: Security
 Final available 5 PM








 Final due 5 PM




















© 2017, Geoff Kuenning

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.