CS 125, Fall 2021
Computer Networks
Homework 6—Security
The purpose of this assignment is to give you a deeper understanding
of the link layer.
Please submit your answers on paper (preferably typed and formatted
with LaTeX).
All problems are from Chapter 8 of the textbook (7th edition).
- Problem P2. The message referred to is "bob, i love
you. alice." There is a typesetting error in the problem; the
number 109 should actually be 109.
- In Problem P2, assume that Trudy must use brute-force
search to decode the message. Using a supercomputer, she can
try substitutions at a net rate of one per nanosecond. How
long would it take her to decode the message if she
knows the pairings for "bob" and "alice"? (Choose an
appropriate unit for your answer: minutes, days, years, etc.)
Is this practical? Without knowing the pairings your answer
will be multiplied by approximately 109; how does
that affect the practicality of the attack?
- Problem P6.
- Problem P9, parts (a) and (d).
- Problem P16.
- Problem P22.
- Problem P25. Note that the problem continues onto page 672.
Telnet is port 23; HTTP runs on port 80.
- How much time did you spend on this assignment?
© 2021, Geoff Kuenning
This page is maintained by Geoff