Calendar for CS 137, Spring 2020


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday






















 Course Introduction
 Basics of Disk Drives





 Basics of Disk Drives (cont'd)


 Basics of SSDs




Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



 Basics of SSDs (cont'd)


 Filesystem Basics





 Implementing Filesystems
 Sample stupid filesystem


 Disk Technology

 Anderson: Modern Disk Technology
 Ruemmler & Wilkes: Disk Modeling




 RAID Arrays

 Patterson, Gibson, & Katz: A Case for RAID
 Wikipedia on RAID

 Unix File System

 Ritchie & Thompson: Unix (sections III and IV)
 FAT32 File System

 Wikipedia on FAT32

 "Hello, World" filesystem



 FAST conference

 FAST conference

 FAST conference

 FAST conference




Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 BSD Fast File System

 McKusick: Fast File System

 How NTFS Works

 Network File Systems

 Sandberg on the original NFS
 Satya on Andrew and Coda

 FAT filesystem, part 1
 Project proposal due 5 PM



 Log-Structured and Copy-on-Write Filesystems


 Canceled for Coronavirus discussion





 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break



 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break

 COVID-19 break



 Two Best-Paper Winners

 Consistency-Aware Durability (Roman)
 SSD reliability (Gabe)


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Persistent Memory

 SplitFS (Max)
 HiNFS (Alé)

 First round of paper suggestions due



 Outside the Box

 Composite-file File System (Andreas)
 Optimizing Hashing (Amanda)

 Distributed Systems

 GFS (Roman)
 PVFS (Brad)

 FAT filesystem, part 2



 Working at User Level

 Fuse Performance (Aely)
 File Systems as Processes (Max)


 Differential RAID (Huey)
 SSD FS Reliability (Amanda)




 More Distributed Systems

 Ceph (Erik)
 DistCache (Roman)

 SSD Usage

 Mobile Phone Usage (Alé)
 SSD Wear Leveling (Huey)




 Thinking Carefully

 Designing for Disasters (Max)
 ZFS (Erik)

 Project Presentations

 Gabe da Motta
 Aely Aronoff and Erik Meike
 Draft of final report due 9 PM


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




 Project Presentations

 Amanda Huang, Max Kunz, and Alé Posada-Sanchez
 Brad Newton, Andreas Roeseler, and Roman Rosenast

 Project Presentations

 Huey Fields

 Senior Finals

 Senior Finals








 Final report due 5 PM

















© 2020, Geoff Kuenning

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.