Calendar for CS 147, Spring 2012

I try to make the current week correct as of the previous Friday. Future weeks are estimates.

Reading assignments are in red. Due dates for written project requirements are given in bold. Homework assignments are given as Web links and are listed on the date they are due.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

















 Class introduction
 No reading assignment




 Approaches to Measurement
 Chapters 1-2

 Selecting techniques
 Chapter 3




 Introduction to statistics
 Chapter 12


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Summarizing data





 Summarizing variability
 Determining distributions


 Comparing systems
 Chapter 13
 Homework 1: Basic Statistics




 Linear Regression
 Chapter 14

 FAST Conference
 Homework 2: Making Judgments

 FAST Conference

 FAST Conference



 Multiple Regression
 Project proposals due

 Advanced Regression




 Example of Analysis


 Graphical Presentation (1)
 Chapter 10
 Homework 3: Multiple Regression


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday





 Student presentations of project plans
 Graphical Presentation (2)


 Graphical Presentation (3)


 Project critiques due
 Project designs due


 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break



 Graphical Presentation (3)
 Workload types
 Chapter 4

 Workload selection
 Workload characterization
 Chapter 5




 Measurement tools
 Chapters 7 & 8

 Test loads
 Ratio games
 Chapters 9 & 11
 Homework 4: Graphical Presentation

 Cesar Chavez Day



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Introduction to experimental design
 Binary factorial designs
 Chapters 16 & 17

 Replicated binary designs
 Chapter 18




 Fractional factorial designs
 One-factor experiments
 Chapter 19 & 20

 Two-factor experiments
 Chapters 21-23




 General designs
 Further considerations

 Introduction to queueing theory
 Chapters 30-31




 Networks of queues
 Chapters 32-36

 Project presentations


 Last day of classes



 Presentation Days


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Presentation Days

 Presentation Days

 Senior finals

 Senior finals
 Project critiques due
 Project reports due



























© 2012, Geoff Kuenning

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.