Abstract Grading Policy
Abstract and Commentary Grading
I believe that everyone will do some grading in this class.
I am going to make grading assignments randomly.
If I need more grading at the end of the semester, then
graders will get to repeat.
When given a grade sheet and a set of abstracts,
the grade sheet and abstracts should be returned within
one week (you the grader lose points for being late with the grades).
I really do not want to badger you, so please grade quickly.
I will review what you have done, so if you have a problem
with a particular abstract, so indicate.
Abstract Grading Policy
For abstracts the grading is rather straight forward:
Read the Abstract.
Comment on spelling, proof reading, etc.,
in particular checkout the completeness of the header.
Make sure that the abstract fits the required topic.
Note, abstracts may not be exactly what I asked, as
some people might have read a required article previously.
Just make sure the article is pertinent to the class.
Make sure that there is some commentary on the worth of the
Grade on a 0, 1, 2
0 - very few, tried to sneak in something not appropriate
0 - or, no comments, just a summary.
1 - usual grade, a reasonable abstract
2 - very very few, a unique abstract, e.g., one year a student
read a book for each abstract and in some cases wrote the author
about the worth of the book.
If you give a '0', make sure to say Why
Last modified Aug 28, 2001 by mike@cs.hmc.edu