An incomplete list at best, but provided as an
abstract source.
Some of these have historical importance, some
are seminol papers, and some are just fluf.
The text books also have a list of references,
so also try them.
Henry, Gary J.,
The Fair Share Scheduler,
AT&T Bell
Beck, Bob, and Dave Olien
A Parallel Programming Process Model
December 1986.
Stefan Savage and Brian N. Bershad,
Issues in the Design of an Extensible Operating System
USENIX Symposium on OS Design and Implementation,
November 1994.
A new Look at Microkernel-Based UNIX Operating Systems:
Lessons in Performance and Compatibility,
Proceedings of the EurOPen Spring 91 Conference,
May20-24, 1991,
Richard M. Adler
Distributed Coordination Models for Client/Server Computing
Computer, April 1995.
John Ousterhout,
Why Aren't Operating Systems Getting Faster as Fast as
USENIX Summer Conference,
June, 1990.
James Mitchell,
An Overview of the Spring System
Jeffery Chase, et. al.,
Sharing and Protections in a Single-Address-Space
Operating Systems,
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,
Vol 12, No 4, November 94.
Ted G. Lewis
Where is Client/Server Software Headed,
Computer, Vol 28, No. 4,
April 1995.
Arjuna, USENIX Computing Systems Journal, Vol 8, No 3, 1995,
Richard Adler,
Distributed Coordination Models for Client/Server Computing
Computer, Vol 28, #4, April 1995.
Andrews, G.R., and Schneider, FB,
Concepts and notations for Concurrent Programming
Computing Surveys, vol 15. pp. 3-42, March 1983.
Buboix, M., Scheurich, C., and Briggs, F.A.,
Synchronization, Coherence, and Event Ordering in
IEEE Computer, vol. 21, pp.9-21, Feb 1988
Denning, P.J.,
Virtual Memory
Computing Surveys, vol. 2, pp. 153-189, Sept 1970.
Chen, J. Bradley, Yasuhiro Endo, et. al.
The Measured Performance of Personal Computer Operating Systems
ACM SIGOPS '95, 12/95, p299-313.
UltraSPARC I: A Four-Issue Processor Supporting Multimedia
IEEE Micro, April 1996.
Madany, Peter
JavaOS: A Standalone Java Environment
The UltraSPARC Processor -- Technology White Paper
An Overview of the Spring Operating System
Werner, T., and V. Akella
Asynchronous Processor Survey
Computer, November 97, vol 30, no 11
Yue, Kelvin, and David Lilja
An Effective Processor Allocation Strategy for Multiprogrammed Shared-Memory
IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol 8, no 12, Dec 97.
Challenges and Trends in Processor Design
Computer 31, 1998, p39-51
Leslie Lamport
How to Make a Correct Multiprocess Program
Execute Correctly on a Multiprocessor
IEEE Trans on Computers, Vol 46, No.7,
July 1997.
J. Michael O'Connor, Marc Tremblay
picoJava-I: The Java Virtual Machine in Hardware
IEEE Micro, March/April 1997, pp.45-53
picoJava I Microprocessor Core Architecture
Van Engen, Anita J., Michael Bradshaw, and Nathan Oostendorp
Extending Java to Support Shared Resource Protection
and Deadlock Detection in Threads Programming,
Crossroads, the ACM Student Magazine, Winter 97.
Yeager, Kenneth C.
The MIPS R10000 Superscalar Microprocessor,
IEEE Micro, April 1996, pp. 28-40.
Powell, ML, Kleiman, S.R., et. al.
SunOS Multi-thread Architecture,
USENIX, Winter 91.
McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels
and John Quarterman
Back to Basics:
The Network Filesystem (NFS)
Connexions, Oct 96.
Stodolsky, Daniel, J. Bradley Chen, and Brian Bershad
Fast Interrupt Priority management in Operating System Kernels
Proceedings fo the USENIX Symposium on Microkernels and Other
Kernel Architectures, Sept, 93.
Shared Memory Uncovered,
SunWorld Magazine, Sept. 97.
Hartig, Hermann, et. al.
The Performance of Micro-Kernel Based Systems
SOSP'97: 16th Annual Symposium on OS Principles, 10/97
Multithreaded Implementations and Comparisons: A Whitepaper
Eggers, Susan J., Joel S. Emer, et a.
Simultaneous Multithreading: A Platform for Next-Generation
IEEE Micro, Sep/Oct 1997, pp. 12-19
O'Connor, Michael J., and Marc Tremblay
picoJava-I: The Java Virtual Machine in Hardware
IEEE Micro, Mar/Apr 1997, pp 45-53.
The Java Enterprise Server Platform
Multithreaded implementations and Comparisons: A WhitePaper
Ritchie, Stuart
Systems Programming in Java
IEEE Micro, May/Jun 97, Vol 17, #3
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating-
point Arithmetic,
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 23, March 1991, 5--48.
Patterson, et al.,
A Case for Intelligent Ram,
IEEE Micro, Vol 17, March/April 1997, 34--44.
Moudgill and Vassiliadis,
Precise Interrupts,
IEEE Micro, Vol 16, February 1996, 58--67.
Sima, Dezso,
Superscalar Instruction Issue
IEEE Micro, Sep/Oct 1997, Vol 17, # 5.
Wallach, Dan S., et. al.
Extensible Security Architectures for Java
ACM SOSP-16, 10/97, p 116-128.
Jumanoya, Masaki, et. al
Advances in DRAM Interfaces
IEEE Micro, DEC 95, p 30-36.
Madany, Peter, Roy Campbell, Panor Kougiouris
Experiences Building an Object-Oriented System in C++
Cox, Alan
An Implementation of Multiprocessor Linux
Linux Kernel Documentation, 2.1.89 source tree
Espasa, Roger & Mateo Valero
Exploiting Instruction and Data-level Parallelism
IEEE Micro, Sep/Oct 1997, p20-27
Tai, KC and Richard H. Carver
VP: A New Operation for Semaphores
ACM Operating Systems Review, Vol 30, #3, 7/96, p 5-11.
Waldo, Jim, Geoff Wyant, Ann Wollrath, and Sam Kendall
A Note on Distributed Computing
Papworth, David,
Tuning the Pentium Pro Microarchitecture
IEEE Micro, April 1996.
Engler, Dawson, M. Frans Kaashoek, James O'Toole Jr.
The Operating System Kernel as a Secure Programmable Machine
http: //
Young, Wayne C., Bing J. Sheu
Unraveling the Future of Computing
Circuits & Devices, Nov 97, p 14-21
Thadani, Moti N. and Yousef A. Khalidi
An Efficient Zero Copy I/O Framework for UNIX
M32R/D-Integrating DRAM and Microprocessor
IEEE Micro Nov/Dec 1997, p 40-48.
Lee, Chao-Hsien, Meng Chang Chen, and Ruei-Chuan Chang
HiPEC: High Performance External Virtual Memory Caching
USENIX Journal on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
Thiebaut, Dominique, Harold Stone and Joel Wolf
Improving Disk Cache Hit-Ratios Through Cache Partitioning
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 41, No. 6, June 1992.
Sproull, Robert, Ivan Sutherland, Charles Molnar
Couterflow Pipeline Processor Architecture
Wiel, Vander, S. Lilja.
When Caches Aren't Enough: Data Prefetching Techniques
IEEE Computer, Vol 30. No. 7, July 1997.
Alpert, D. & D. Avnon
Architecture of the Pentium Microprocessor
IEEE Micro, Vol 13, June 1993.
The Next Generation of Microprocessor ARchitecture:
A 64-bit Instruction Set Architecture Based on EPIC Technology
Hui-Lan Lu and Igor Faynberg, et. al
Network Evolution in the Context of the Global Information
IEEE Communications, August 1998, Vol 36, No. 8, p98-102
P. Emerald Chung, Yennun Juang, Shalini Yajnik
DCOM and CORBA Side by Side, Step by Step and Layer by Layer
The Case for a Single-Chip Multiprocessor
7th International Conf on Architectural Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems,
Oct 1-5, 1996, p2-12
UltraSPARC-II Enhancements: Support for Software Controlled
The PowerPC 604 RISC Microprocessor
IEEE Micro, Oct 94, p 8-17
The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Jade
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
CPU Cache Prefetching: Timing Evaluation of Hardware Implmentations
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
May 1998, p 509-526.
Self-Monitoring and Self-Adapting Operating Systems
Nayfeh, Dasem, Lance Hammond, and Kunle Olkotum
Evaluation of Design Alternatives for a Multiprocessor Microprocessor
Computer Architecture News, Vol24, No. 2., May 1996.
ADistributed Shared Memory Facility for FreeBSD,
ENIX 1997 Annual Technical Conference, Jan 97, p149-162.
Self-Monitoring and Self-adapting Operating Systems,
A comparative Study of Parallel and Sequential Priority Queue
ACM TMCS Vol 7, no 2, april 97, p 157-209.
Approaching Be (An introduction to programming for BeOS
David Solomon,
The Windows NT Kernel Architecture,
Computer, October, 1998, p 40-47.
J.K. Eykholt, et al,
Beyond Multiprocessing ... Multithreading and the SunOS Kernel
Andrew Appel
Simple Generational Garbage Collection and Fast Allocation
Software P&E, 2/89, p171-183.
A. Varma and Q. Jacobson
Destage Algorithms for Disk Arrays with Non-volitaile Caches
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Feb., 98, Vol 45, No 2., 228-235.
Limited Bandwidth to Affect Processor Design
IEEE Micro, 10-11/97, pg 55.62.
Pentium II Xeon Processors and Intel 450NX PCIset
Mark Bohr
Silicon Trends and Limits for Advanced Microprocessors
CACM, Mar 98, Vol 41, # 3.
Richard McDougall, Triet Vo, Tom Pothier,
Priority Paging
Taivalsaari, Antero
Implementing a Java Virtual Machine in the Java Programming
Abstract Title: Trends in Semiconductor Memories
Journal Ref: Katayama, Yasunao. IEEE Micro Nov/Dec 1997.
Installation and Configuration
Michael J. Karels, et. al.,
Installing and Operating 4.3BSD
on the VAX, April 1, 1986.
UNIX System Manager's Manual.
The bible on installing a system.
Samual J. Leffler and Michael J Karels,
Building Berkeley UNIX Kernels with Config,
UNIX System Manager's Manual.
Additional detail on installing a system.
Playstation 2, cpu