15:32 <@Patroklos> are you familiar with Purple Passion?
15:32 <@Terminus> I am not
15:32 <@Goobergunch> nobody ever learned it before I graduated
15:32 <@Goobergunch> I was sad
15:32 <@Patroklos> A boy was on his way to school when he saw the words purple passion written on a wall. He had no idea what they meant, so when he got to school and the teacher asked if there were any questions, he raised his hand. When he was called upon he asked ,"What is purple passion?" His teacher screamed at him to go to the principal.
15:33 <@Calder> wodrich do your employers know that you are sending ascii middle fingers while on the job?
15:33 <@masterzora> FUCK
15:33 <@Terminus> I'm sure they would be amused
15:33 <@Patroklos> The principal asked him why he was there and he said "When I was on my way to school today, I saw some words written on a wall and I didn't know what they meant so when the teacher asked if there were any questions I asked her what they meant and she yelled at me and sent me here." "What are the words," the principal asked. "Purple passion," replied the boy. The principal freaked out and expelled him and told him to get out of
15:33 <@masterzora> FUCKFUCKFUCK
15:33 <@masterzora> DON'T DO IT JASON
15:33 <@Patroklos> At home is mother asked him why he had been expelled, and he said "When I was on my way to school today, I saw some words written on a wall and I didn't know what they meant so when the teacher asked if there were any questions I asked her what they meant and she yelled at me and sent me to the principals office. When I got there he asked me what had happened and I told him everything and he asked me what the words were and when
15:33 <@masterzora> FUCK
15:33 <@masterzora> NO
15:33 <@masterzora> NOT HAPPENING
15:33 <@masterzora> NOT IN THIS CHANNEL
15:33 <@Patroklos> When his dad got home he said to the boy,"So I hear you got into a lot of trouble today. Tell me what happened." So the boy said," When I was on my way to school today, I saw some words written on a wall and I didn't know what they meant so when the teacher asked if there were any questions I asked her what they meant and she yelled at me and sent me to the principals office. When I got there he asked me what had happened and I
15:33 -!- mode/#HMC
[+b *!*Patroklos@*.hsd1.or.comcast.net] by
15:33 -!-
Patroklos was kicked from #HMC by
masterzora [Patroklos]
15:33 <@Calder> XD
15:33 <@Calder> took you long enough
15:34 <@Goobergunch> ^
15:34 <@Terminus> lol
15:34 -!-
ChanServ changed the topic of #HMC to: As he was wandering around he ran into some friends. They said, "What's going on, man? We heard you got expelled and your dad kicked you out." So the boy said," When I was on my way to school today, I saw some words written on a wall and I didn't know what they meant so when the teacher asked if there were any questions I asked her what they meant and she yelled at me and sent me t
15:34 <@Calder> XD
15:34 <@Goobergunch> ARGH
15:34 -!-
ChanServ changed the topic of #HMC to: When I got there he asked me what had happened and I told him everything and he asked me what the words were and when I told him he freaked out and expelled me. When I got home my mom asked me what had happened and I told her everything and she asked me what the words were. When I told her she sent me up to my room to wait for my dad.
15:34 <@Alaszun|Work> what the fuck?
15:34 <@Goobergunch> how the hell does Jason know about remote topic
15:34 <@Goobergunch> but not remote unban
15:35 <@Terminus> hahaha
15:35 -!-
ChanServ changed the topic of #HMC to: He asked me what happened and after I told him everything he asked me the words and when I told him he kicked me out." "Wow, what are the words?" his friends asked. "Purple passion,"he replied. All of his friends jumped him and started beating him up until a bum came by and scared them off.
15:35 <@Calder> because this is funnier?
15:35 -!-
ChanServ changed the topic of #HMC to: The bum said,"I just saved your life. Tell me why they were all beating you up." The boy said," When I was on my way to school today, I saw some words written on a wall and I didn't know what they meant so when the teacher asked if there were any questions I asked her what they meant and she yelled at me and sent me to the principals office.
15:35 -!-
ChanServ changed the topic of #HMC to: When I got there he asked me what had happened and I told him everything and he asked me what the words were and when I told him he freaked out and expelled me. When I got home my mom asked me what had happened and I told her everything and she asked me what the words were. When I told her she sent me up to my room to wait for my dad.
15:35 <@masterzora> HE GETS HIT BY A BUS OKAY
15:36 <@Alaszun|Work> Better nate than lever.
15:36 <@Calder> that was a really shaggy dog
15:36 -!-
ChanServ changed the topic of #HMC to: He asked me what happened and after I told him everything he asked me the words and when I told him he kicked me out. I ran into my friends and they asked me why I had been expelled and kicked out of my house and I told them everything and then they asked what the words were. When I told them, they beat me up." "So what are the words," the bum asked. "I don't know if I should say
15:36 -!-
ChanServ changed the topic of #HMC to: "Come on I just saved your life, don't be ungrateful,"the man remarked. "Okay, okay. The words were purple passion." The bum freaks out and starts beating the boy up until a cop comes along and breaks it up.
15:36 -!- mode/#HMC
[-b *!*Patroklos@*.hsd1.or.comcast.net] by
15:36 -!-
Patroklos has joined #HMC
15:36 -!-
mode/#HMC [+o Patroklos] by ChanServ
15:36 <@Patroklos> YOU BASTARD!
15:36 <@Patroklos> YOU RUINED THE JOKE!
15:36 <@Alaszun|Work> http://longestjokeintheworld.com/
15:37 <@Calder> victory
15:37 <@Terminus> I think I have heard it before actually
15:37 <@Calder> me too
15:37 <@Patroklos> so, what you just witnessed was an IRC re-enactment of an awesome story
15:37 <@Patroklos> wherein Joaqin Neagle was telling this joke to me on the way to donut man
15:37 <@masterzora> Scarily accurate, really
15:37 <@Calder> wait
15:37 <@Calder> so
15:37 <@Patroklos> While Logan was driving and yelling at him
15:37 <@Patroklos> at one point, Logan says "Not in my car"
15:38 <@Calder> Logan kicked him out of the car but he kept telling the story over the radio or something?
15:38 <@masterzora> XD
15:38 <@masterzora> no
15:38 <@Patroklos> so Joaqin, while Logan is driving, opens the door, hangs outside the car, and continues telling the joke.
15:38 <@Calder> close enough
15:38 <@Calder> BUT NOT AS AWESOME.
15:38 <@Patroklos> right. This was the IRC equivalent of that