The default C++ editing mode for emacs does not encourage very good style. Fortunately, there is lots of opportunity for customization. One of the best ways to customize is to choose a different named style, or to create one of your own (the latter is very difficult).
To choose a different named style as the default, add the following
line to the end of your .emac
(setq c-default-style "stroustrup")
Then exit emacs and reenter it.
The string "stroustrup" can be replaced by any of "bsd", "cc-mode", "ellemtel", "gnu", "java", "k&r", "linux", "python", "stroustrup", "user", or "whitesmith", each of which produces somewhat different results. I haven't experimented a lot, but I suspect that "bsd", "k&r", or "stroustrup" would produce pretty good results.
You can also change the so-called "basic indentation offset". The
default value is chosen by the style; for example, the "gnu" style
uses a value of 2, which means that most if
bodies are indented 2 spaces more deeply than the if
itself. To change the basic offset to a more reasonable value, add
the following magic to the end of your .emacs
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda nil (setq c-basic-offset 4)))
You can replace the "4" with any number you choose.
Finally, some of us hate the emacs C++ mode with a passion and would
rather just have the editor do what we ask it to. The following line,
added to your .emacs
file instead of the above ones, will
cause C++ files to be edited in text mode, but without automatic
paragraph filling:
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda nil (progn (text-mode) (auto-fill-mode 0)))
For your convenience, all three of these lines can be found on Turing
in the file ~geoff/Dot-emacs.c++-mode
Like emacs, vi contains some useful features for editing code, with
defaults you might want to change. Here are some things that you can
add to your .exrc
or .vimrc
file to change
vi's behavior:
set autoindent
will cause every line to
automatically be indented the same amount as the previous
one. You can use control-T and control-D to change the
indentation level.
set shiftwidth=4
will change the amount of
indentation (from control-T and control-D) to be 4 spaces.
set cino=>4{4(4 sw=4 " Kuenning-style indentation set comments=sr:/*,mb:*,el:*/ " C-style comment formatting " Enable these formatting options for .cc and .hh files: au BufEnter *.cc,*.hh set cindent tw=78 fo=tcqro
Q: Why do I get the message "Make: missing separator"?
A: The prototype commands in your makefile do not begin with an ASCII tab (control-I) character. Make is very particular about this. You can verify this by placing your cursor at the beginning of a line, and then moving it forward one character (control-F in emacs). If you have a tab, the cursor will jump forward by several character positions. If you have a blank, it will move forward only one character.
If you use emacs to edit your makefiles, it should enter a special "makefile" mode so that the tab is automatically inserted when you type the TAB key. Avoid using the space key to align things; use TAB instead. (This is a good general rule even when you're not working on a Makefile.)
Q: Should I document topic x in the README file?
A: If you have to ask, put it in. The graders do not normally deduct points for having too much documentation. In contrast, you can easily lose points for not having enough.
Q: What can I do about CR/newline differences when I upload files?
A: Different systems use different representations
for line separators. Unix uses newline (also known as LF, or
control-J). Macs use CR (also known as control-M). DOS and Windows
use CR followed by a newline. When you upload a file using
(or sometimes using other methods), these notations
are preserved. In either case you can cure the problem on Turing
using the tr
(translate) command. This command reads
from its standard input, writes to standard output, and performs simple
character changes in the process.
For files uploaded from a Mac, translate CR into newline with:
tr \\015 \\012 < file1 > file2where
is the file from the Mac and
is a scratch file that will receive the translated
For files uploaded from a DOS/Windows system, use:
tr -d \\015 < file1 > file2with the same file naming conventions.
In either case, if you aren't 100% sure whether your file is already in Unix format, running the command will not hurt anything. However, if you run the Mac version of the command on a DOS/Windows file, you will wind up with double-spaced lines, which is probably not what you want.