# intersections.py
# Python for finding line intersections
# intended to be easily adaptable for line-segment intersections
import math
def intersectLines( pt1, pt2, ptA, ptB ):
""" this returns the intersection of Line(pt1,pt2) and Line(ptA,ptB)
returns a tuple: (xi, yi, valid, r, s), where
(xi, yi) is the intersection
r is the scalar multiple such that (xi,yi) = pt1 + r*(pt2-pt1)
s is the scalar multiple such that (xi,yi) = pt1 + s*(ptB-ptA)
valid == 0 if there are 0 or inf. intersections (invalid)
valid == 1 if it has a unique intersection ON the segment """
DET_TOLERANCE = 0.00000001
# the first line is pt1 + r*(pt2-pt1)
# in component form:
x1, y1 = pt1; x2, y2 = pt2
dx1 = x2 - x1; dy1 = y2 - y1
# the second line is ptA + s*(ptB-ptA)
x, y = ptA; xB, yB = ptB;
dx = xB - x; dy = yB - y;
# we need to find the (typically unique) values of r and s
# that will satisfy
# (x1, y1) + r(dx1, dy1) = (x, y) + s(dx, dy)
# which is the same as
# [ dx1 -dx ][ r ] = [ x-x1 ]
# [ dy1 -dy ][ s ] = [ y-y1 ]
# whose solution is
# [ r ] = _1_ [ -dy dx ] [ x-x1 ]
# [ s ] = DET [ -dy1 dx1 ] [ y-y1 ]
# where DET = (-dx1 * dy + dy1 * dx)
# if DET is too small, they're parallel
DET = (-dx1 * dy + dy1 * dx)
if math.fabs(DET) < DET_TOLERANCE: return (0,0,0,0,0)
# now, the determinant should be OK
DETinv = 1.0/DET
# find the scalar amount along the "self" segment
r = DETinv * (-dy * (x-x1) + dx * (y-y1))
# find the scalar amount along the input line
s = DETinv * (-dy1 * (x-x1) + dx1 * (y-y1))
# return the average of the two descriptions
xi = (x1 + r*dx1 + x + s*dx)/2.0
yi = (y1 + r*dy1 + y + s*dy)/2.0
return ( xi, yi, 1, r, s )
def testIntersection( pt1, pt2, ptA, ptB ):
""" prints out a test for checking by hand... """
print "Line segment #1 runs from", pt1, "to", pt2
print "Line segment #2 runs from", ptA, "to", ptB
result = intersectLines( pt1, pt2, ptA, ptB )
print " Intersection result =", result
if __name__ == "__main__":
pt1 = (10,10)
pt2 = (20,20)
pt3 = (10,20)
pt4 = (20,10)
pt5 = (40,20)
testIntersection( pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 )
testIntersection( pt1, pt3, pt2, pt4 )
testIntersection( pt1, pt2, pt4, pt5 )