CS 70

How to Set Up On a Lab Machine

Here's how to get set up on a lab machine!

  1. Log in as "Guest."
  2. Double click the CS70 folder on the desktop.
  3. Double click Docker.
  4. Double click VS Code.
  5. In VS Code:
    1. Clone your repository.
      • The URL is: https://github.com/hmc-cs70-spring2025//hwXX-your-team-name.git
      • (Fill in the highlighted part)
    2. Allow it to log in via GitHub.com.
    3. Log into GitHub to authorize VS Code.
    4. It will create a PAT for this session automatically!
    5. VS Code will ask you to log in with your GitHub credentials one more time.
  6. Open the resulting folder in the container.
  7. Enjoy face-to-face pair programming with your partner!
  8. Make sure that you push your changes! When you log out, all local files will be deleted.
    1. If it complains about a missing username and email type the following in the terminal:
    2. git config --global user.name "Your Name"
    3. git config --global user.email "youremail@whatever.com"
    4. Then you should be able to push.
  9. Log out.

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)