CS 70

Set Up Your Github Account

All your assignments this semester will be distributed and collected through GitHub. So, if you don't have one already, you'll need to set up an account on there.

Set Up Your GitHub Account

If you already have a GitHub account, you can skip this part. But, if you don't have a GitHub account (or want one associated with your college email address rather than your personal GitHub account), click the button below to open the GitHub site and create an account for yourself. (See the video below).

If you like, you can go to https://github.com/settings/profile to update your profile picture/avatar and name, but neither is essential for this class.

Tell Us About Your GitHub Account

Tell us your GitHub username via Gradescope:

We will add you to the CS70 organization. We'll try to add folks as they submit, but please be patient—we have to do this by hand!

Note: You can enter your GitHub username and submit before you choose your partner. Then you can resubmit once you know who your partner is.

Video Example

Here's what it looked like when we logged in and set up our GitHub profile for the first time:

Helpful Hints

  • LHS Cow speaking

    If you already have a GitHub account, it’s fine to use it for CS 70 this semester.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    You'll be able to keep working on most of the assignment while you wait for us to manually add you to the CS 70 GitHub organization.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    But in Episode 2 of this assignment (GitHub Classroom), you'll need access to the organization to continue.

To Complete This Part of the Assignment…

You'll know you're done with this part of the assignment when you've done all of the following:

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)