CS 70

Find a Partner for Homeworks 1, 2 & 3

Survey — Tell Us About You

If you’ve not done so already, complete the Getting to Know You survey

Pairing: You Can Choose or We Can Choose

You’ll need to either

  • Find a partner to work with for Homeworks 1–3, or
  • Ask us to assign you a partner.

With the exception of Homework 0 (the one you're doing!), all the coding you do in CS 70 will be with your partner. If you can pair up without our help, you can get started working together slightly sooner.

Only Pair with Someone in Your Section

Because we will typically focus on homework in class, you must partner with somebody in your class section. That said, you’ll definitely need to work on your homework outside of class as well, so make sure that you and your partner have compatible schedules at other times as well.

Let Us Know Your Preferences

By the deadline, please tell us on if you’ve arranged to work with a specific partner, or if you’d prefer that we assign you a partner. Click the button below to do so.

If we haven’t heard from you by the deadline, we will assign you a partner (and you will lose some points), so please be sure to submit before the deadline!

Helpful Hints

  • LHS Cow speaking

    You can post on Piazza or introduce yourself to folks in class to look for a partner. Be sure to tell people when you’re available to work outside of class!

To Complete This Part of the Assignment…

You'll know you're done with this part of the assignment when you've done all of the following:

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)