CS 70

Let's Go!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Most homework writeups will contain a link to the starter code for the assignment. For Homework 0, however, we still have some things to do to get you ready.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    The rest of the steps in this assignment will make sure that you're all set for Homework 1 (and beyond)!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    In this assignment, you will practice using a bunch of tools that you will need for the rest of the semester: git, GitHub, GitHub Classroom, Docker, and Gradescope

  • RHS Cow speaking

    If you need the instructions for how to log into the ssh server (we are NOT using DOCKER this semester) please contact Prof Slocum


Completing this part of the assignment is worth 33 points, and will be graded as follows:

  • 23 points: Written Questions
  • 10 points: A “coding” part to practice checking out an assignment on GitHub Classroom and submitting it to Gradescope.


As you work through this assignment, we suggest you keep the following references handy:


(When logged in, completion status appears here.)