CS 70

The Visual Studio Code Editor

For CS 70, we ask that you do all of your coding in the Visual Studio Code editor. All of the assignments have been designed to integrate with VS Code, and it includes a number of collaboration tools that support both in-person and remote pair programming.

Code also allows you to get, install, and use Docker containers and our GitHub repositories with its “Dev Containers” extension, allowing you to open your assignments directly in the CS 70 Docker container.

The lab machines should have VS Code installed, but we'd like you install it on your own computer as well, so you have the option to use it.

Installing VS Code

You should follow the instructions on Visual Studio Code's download page for your own operating system. Each system you install on (and each version of each operating system!) will look slightly different.

Video Example: Installing VS Code (on a Mac)

As an example, here's what it looked like when we installed Visual Studio Code on a Mac running macOS Catalina:

Using VS Code on Lab Machines

VS Code should already be installed and working on lab machines; if not, ask for help.

Helpful Hints

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Want to know more about the Dev-Containers extension? You can read about it on this page.

To Complete This Part of the Assignment…

You'll know you're done with this part of the assignment when you've done all of the following:

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)