CS 70

Homework 1

  • LHS Cow speaking

    In this assignment, you will practice using git, and writing and compiling C++ code.

Getting Started

The outline for what to do in the assignment is below, but before you begin work you need to set up your repository by accepting the starter code on GitHub Classroom.

Before You Accept the Starter Code

Decide on a name for your pair. Although GitHub Classroom gives you the flexibility to choose any name, it's best to just use your first names separated by a hyphen to make it easier for course staff to find your repository if we need to. So, for example, if Sidney Smith and Chipahua Xocoyotzin are working together, they might call their pair

  • sidney-chipahua, or,
  • chipahua-sidney.

Accepting the Starter Code

Both team members should click the button below to accept the assignment:

  • The first person will create the new group for your pair and accept the starter code.
  • The second person will find the the newly created group in the list of groups and join it to accept the starter code.
    • The second person needs to be logged into GitHub as themselves (not as the first person) to do this. It may be easiesgt to do this on a different device, browser, or in a private browsing window.

So, click the button below to get started:


Useful Information

Ask for (and give each other) help on Piazza!

Use Piazza to post questions, notes, and ideas. Be sure to answer each other's questions. Even if you're not 100% sure of an answer, it's okay to jump in and try—we're all here to help each other!


Completing this assignment is worth 75 points, and will be graded as follows:

  • 8 points: Team Contract
  • 17 points: Written Questions
  • 45 points: Coding (completeness, correctness, clarity & style)
  • 5 points: Correctly listing all team members in your Gradescope submission


As you work through this assignment, we suggest you keep the following references handy:

  • You may want to refer back to the Git and GitHub Help Pages or the relevant sections of Homework 0 for details on how to set up this assignment.
  • This video from the spring of 2020 on using LiveShare may be helpful if you need to pair program remotely. Generally, however, we recommend that you work together in person if at all possible.


  • Pair Programming: Remember, you must work on coding and writing tests as a pair (two people sharing a single Live Share session in VS Code. (Of course you can go ahead and read the assignment and think about it before you meet or in between meetings.)
  • Commit Early, Commit Often: Remember to add and commit your files regularly! In particular, don’t forget to push them when you’re finished.
  • As a general rule (even outside CS 70!), you should not add generated files of any form (e.g., compiled machine code) to a repository when those files can be automatically produced from files already in the repository. We’ll make one exception this week: we’ll ask you to commit a generated meme to share with the grutors.

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)