CS 70

Optional: Embroider a Patch!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Now that you've designed your own patch, you can actually stitch it out!

  • Hedgehog speaking

    I wish I could, but I've never embroidered anything before. I have no idea how to do that!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    This is easier than you think! No prior sewing/embroidery experience is required. We promise!

Credit and Prizes

This aspect of the assignment is totally optional, but to provide a small incentive so you can use to talk yourselves into it, we'll give you one bonus point of class-participation credit. To get that, you'll need to

And, as more incentive, we're hoping to (somehow??!?) declare a winner in each section, and award them a…


Where Do I Go?

The embroidery machines are stored in the Maker Space on the first floor of McGregor.

We've asked for the machines to be especially accessible for a couple of weeks, but even after they get put away, you can still use them—you just need to ask a steward to help you get them out.

For now, they should just be sitting on the shelves. Look for something that looks like a sewing machine with a screen on it (and maybe don't pick one that has a Post-It note about needing repairs).

How Do I Do It?

  • RHS Cow speaking

    One thing: it would be great if you could team up with some classmates to stitch out your patches in groups.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Each patch is much smaller than the piece of fabric, so fitting more patches onto one piece of cloth reduces waste!

To start, you'll need:

  • An embroidery machine
  • A set of embroidery hoops (kept in a drawer labeled “embroidery hoops”)
  • Fabric, backing, thread, bobbins, and scissors, all of which should be in a pile on a table near the machines labeled “For CS 70 Use Only”
  • Your .dst file(s) on a USB drive

If you have trouble finding anything, ask a steward!

Prof. Melissa filmed Prof. Bang teaching Prof. Talvitie how to use the machine. Check it out!

What If I Have More Questions?

The manual for the machine might come in handy: Embroidery Machine Manual.

There are also plenty of videos on YouTube of folks using these machines and the Maker Space stewards are always eager to help!

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)