CS 70

Homework 3: Written Part

Automating the Build Process

In lab this week, we provided a GitHub repo that contains sample code to explore. If you've haven't done that part yet, do it now…

Clone the code in Visual Studio Code so you can explore it. You will not be submitting this code, so you do not need to keep the cloned repository when you are done.

Instructions are provided in README.md file (which may be easiest to view on GitHub). By the end of the the exploration process, you should have a reasonable understanding of both how the make program does its job, and what a Makefile looks like.

The written questions will explore this understanding.

Want More Information or Another Perspective?

The Working with Makefiles help page provides a summary of the key aspects of Makefiles, using a different program as the running example.

If you find other helpful resources, please share them with the class on Piazza!

Style Readings

In this assignment we will begin grading your code more strictly on style. Please read one (or both) of the following documents on style. (You can skip this part and save it for later, if you and your partner want to get right to coding.)

The Questions

The written questions for this assignment can be completed individually or with your partner. Before you begin answering, decide which option you'll choose…

Choose a New Partner

You don't have to do this immediately, but it's something to start thinking about…

To Complete This Part of the Assignment…

You'll know you're done with this part of the assignment when you've done all of the following:

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)