CS 70

Using Your Search Tree

To round out our assignment, we'll use our TreeSet class template as an actual dictionary of English words.

We've provided a source file, minispell.cpp, which uses TreeSet<std::string> to provide a proof-of-concept for a rudimentary spelling checker. It's basically the same program you saw in Homework 6, but with some additional options to control insertion style.

Let's Go!

Adapt Your Makefile to Build minispell and Build It

Adjust your Makefile so that you build the program minispell (the executable will link just minispell.o since TreeSet is now a class template), and create this executable.

It will help if your Makefile has an OPTFLAGS= variable, as you then can set that variable from the command-line to easily have make build everything with optimization, as, for example,

make clean
make OPTFLAGS="-O3 -flto" minispell

Run minispell

If you run the program with the --help argument, it will produce a usage message:

DOCKER > ./minispell --help
Usage: ./minispell [options] [file-to-check ...]
  -h, --help             Print this message and exit.
  -f, --file-order       Insert words in the order they appear (default).
  -s, --shuffled-order   Insert words in random order, by shuffling the input.
  -b, --balanced-order   Insert words in a balanced order
  -r, --random-insert    Use a tree with RANDOMIZED insertion style
  -t, --root-insert      Use a tree with ROOT insertion style
  -l, --leaf-insert      Use a tree with LEAF insertion style (default)
  -n, --num-dict-words   Number of words to read from the dictionary.
  -m, --num-check-words  Number of words to check for spelling.
  -d, --dict-file        Use a different dictionary file.

Default dictionary file: /home/student/data/smalldict.words
Default file to check:   /home/student/data/ispell.words

If you run it without arguments, you should see output similar to

DOCKER > ./minispell
Reading words from /home/student/data/smalldict.words... done!
Leaf-inserting into dictionary (in order read)... done!
 - insertion took 0.00461804 seconds
 - 341 nodes, height 340, average depth 170
 - median word in dictionary: 'long'

Reading words from /home/student/data/ispell.words... done!
Looking up these words in the dictionary... done!
 - looking up took 0.103362 seconds
 - 34831 words read, 325 in dictionary


Explore some of the other options to the program by doing some other runs. Also, feel free to run the program multiple times to see if/when the program output varies.


On Gradescope, you'll find some questions asking you to run this program and think about the results.

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