CS 70

Homework 8

Both team members should click here to accept the assignment:

  • LHS Cow speaking

    This is the last homework assignment of the semester :-O

  • RHS Cow speaking

    In this assignment, you will practice analyzing hash functions and implementing a hash table using separate chaining.

Let's Go!


As usual, we encourage you to have the specifications open in a separate browser window or tab for reference while you code.


As always, we encourage you to ask (and answer) questions on Piazza as you work!


Completing this assignment is worth 100 points, and will be graded as follows:

  • 5 points: Planning (Completeness, not correctness)
  • 13 points: Repository Status (Makefile, code compiles, correct files submitted, no cpplint errors)
  • 2 points: All Team Members Listed on Gradescope Submission
  • 20 points: Coding Style
  • 25 points: Writing Tests
  • 30 points: Implementation Correctness
  • 5 points: Hash-Function Choice Justification

(When logged in, completion status appears here.)