CS 70

Group 3: Compilation

  • LHS Cow speaking

    This group of topics relate to understanding how compilation works in C++.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    Understanding the steps to compilation, and the types of errors that appear at each stage of compilation, will make debugging easier as the semester goes on. Additionally, understanding how the code we write gets converted into machine instructions is important for every programming language you use!


You will know that you have achieved this group of learning objectives when you are able to

  • Goal 3A: Compilation Stages:
    • Describe the stages of compilation and recognize common errors and their causes at various stages.
  • Goal 3B: Compilation Commands:
    • Write compilation commands to compile a multifile program
      • For the first time
      • To recompile it recompile after a change (compiling only the files necessary).
  • Goal 3C: Program Organization:
    • Explain the division of code into header and source files.
    • Use #include directives to ensure that declarations of variables, classes, functions, etc. are visible.
  • Goal 3D: Include Guards:
    • Identify the problem that include guards address.
    • Implement a valid include guard.

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This group of goals are addressed in the following places:

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