CS 70

Group 8: Trees

  • LHS Cow speaking

    This group of topics relate to binary search trees.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    In CS 70, we get to see several cool self-balancing trees. Understanding how they work will help us reason about the trade-offs between different data structures!


You will know that you have achieved this group of learning objectives when you are able to

  • Goal 8A: Binary Search Trees:
    • Use tree terminology (size, height, root, node, edge, leaf) to characterize binary search trees.
  • Goal 8B: Random and Randomized Trees:
    • Explain how random and randomized trees maintain balance.
  • Goal 8C: 2–3–4 and Red–Black Trees:
    • Explain how 2–3–4 and red–black trees maintain balance.
  • Goal 8D: BST Complexity:
    • Use asymptotic complexity terminology to describe the cost of insert and lookup for
      • Randomized BSTs
      • 2–3–4 trees
      • Red–Black trees
      • Splay trees
    • Discuss the implications of those costs for usage.

Need More Practice?

This group of goals are addressed in the following places:

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