Week 1
Welcome to Week 1!
Each week has a page like this one, which will help you keep track of what you need to do for the week, including:
- Learning from the provided on-line lessons
- Attending lab
- Working on homework
You can think of this page as your “to do list” for the week.
Typically, each week will have two on-line lessons just like a traditional class has two in-person lectures.
You should aim to complete the lessons before Wednesday's lab so that if you have questions you can ask them in lab.
Work through Week 1 Lessons. Aim to finish at least the first lesson by Thursday, January 23, ideally both.
- Lesson One covers introductions and a first taste of C++.
- Lesson Two covers object lifetime for local variables holding primitive types, and numeric types in C++.
Lab Check-Ins
Unless we tell you it's optional (or you are sick), we generally expect you to attend lab.
For each lab (i.e., class meeting), you'll fill out a lab check-in (two points each):
Homework — Begin as soon as you can!
- Homework 0, Episode 1
- Released Tuesday, January 21, at 8:00 AM.
- Due Thursday, January 23, at 11:59 PM.
- There is no late pass for this assignment.
- Homework 0, Episode 2
- Released Tuesday, January 21, at 8:00 AM.
- Due Thursday, January 30, at 11:59 PM.
- There is no late pass for this assignment.
Proficiency Checks — Begin when you're ready!
- Proficiency Checks: Group 0 (Course Policies)
- Released Friday, January 24, at 8:00 AM.
- Due Thursday, January 30, at 11:59 PM.
- Late pass due Friday, January 31, at 11:59 PM.
Reference Pages
Finally, many weeks will mention some useful reference material that can help you out with both the current and future assignments and lessons.
The Help pages and the Course Policies pages have a collection of reference pages! Here are some that might be helpful from this week onward:
Note that this page gets marked as “completed” (with a green check in the bottom right corner) when you've done all the lesson materials for the week.
This status indication does not include whether you've attended lab, or completed the homework or proficiency checks—those things are tracked separately, elsewhere.
(When logged in, completion status appears here.)