CS 70

Lesson 1

Our Goals for this Lesson

In today's lesson, we (the instructors) will introduce ourselves and the course and then we will meet C++.

Learning Goals

This lesson addresses the following course learning goals from Group 0 and Group 1:

  • Goal 0A: Late Work — Explain how late passes work in CS70.
  • Goal 0B: Proficiency Checks — Explain the rules for completing proficiency checks in CS70.
  • Goal 0C: Academic Honesty — Describe the academic honesty expectations for CS70. Outline the consequences for not meeting those expectations.
  • Goal 0D: Getting Help — Identify the various opportunities for getting help from professors, grutors, and other students in the course.
  • Goal 1A: Memory Diagrams — Draw a single-variable memory model using the CS70 memory model style. Indicate which variable attributes are drawn "inside the box," which are drawn “outside the box”, and why. Indicate which details are abstracted away, and why.
  • LHS Cow speaking

    And, hopefully it'll be fun, too.


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