CS 70

Accessing Array Elements

  • Duck speaking

    So we know how to make an array. How do we actually access the things in the array?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Good question! In the end, the answer will be very familiar and comfortable.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    But, in the spirit of CS 70, we are going to explain some of the underlying details first.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    That will help you predict what will happen when working with arrays and it will lay some groundwork for important topics later on.

The Value of an Array Variable

Say we make an array:

float myArr[3]{1.2, 3.4, 5.6};

Here is what that array would look like in memory:

memory diagram of array

We can see the values of the floats in the array. But the variable we just created is named myArr.

What is the value of myArr?

Key ideas:

  • When we ask for the “value” of an array variable, we get its memory address.
  • Specifically, the memory address of the first item in the array.
    • In general, the memory address of something that takes up multiple slots will be the first address in the thing.
  • So in our example, using our memory model, trying to get the value of myArr gives us its address on the stack: S1.
  • Duck speaking

    So, if myArr has a value, why isn't it on our diagram?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Great question! First, we could say that myArr is on the diagram. The problem is that our array consists of three memory locations holding three distinct values (1.2, 3.4, and 5.6), but when we say myArr, we're expecting to get just one value to somehow represent the whole array. For reasons we'll appreciate more in a bit, what C++ does for arrays is—instead of just giving an error, or giving us the just first value in the array (1.2)—it gives us the memory address of the first element (in this case, S1).

  • Duck speaking

    So myArr is the address of the first element, like we said. But does that mean we could say myArr = myOtherArr; to change it to some other address.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    No, you can't say that. myArr is fixed to always be the array we made. It always stays put at S1 for the duration of the function, just like other non-array local variables.

  • Bjarne speaking

    Technically, it's not that the value of myArr is S1, it's that it decays to S1 because there is no such thing as the “value of a whole array”.

  • Duck speaking

    But doesn't it need to store the address in a space somewhere so we have it when we need it?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    No, there doesn't need to be space to store myArr's address because the compiler knows where it put it at compile time!

  • Cat speaking

    So whenever we write myArr just by itself, the program doesn't have to read the value of a variable to figure out the address, it just knows the address of the array?

  • LHS Cow speaking


Consider the following code snippet:

int main() {
    float num = 3.14;
    int a[5]{11, 22, 33, 44, 55};
    return 0;

What's in a?

Using the CS 70 memory model, what is the value of a?

Accessing the Value at an Address

C++ gives us the ability to get the value at a given memory address!

If you type *x, you're saying “the value at the memory address x”.

The * is called the indirection operator. Because when we have an address, we don't have the thing itself (we don't have it directly); instead we have something that tells us where it is (so it gives us the thing indirectly). The * operator gives us the actual thing in that piece of memory.

So, in this example, x is like a treasure map, and *x is the treasure.

treasure map and treasure chest

  • Octopus speaking

    Yarr. x marks the spot!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Yes, and *x is the stuff at the spot x marks.

  • Duck speaking

    Backing up a bit, you said * was called the indirection operator, but I had heard that it was called the dereference operator?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    That's another name for it, and that's what C programmers call it. Frankly, most of the time we'll just read *x as “star x” because that's less of a mouthful.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    But the official name for it in C++ is the indirection operator.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Your professors (and some of the course materials) may sometimes say “dereference” out of habit, but we're trying to avoid that term these days as it can be a bit too easy to mix it up with some other unrelated C++ concepts.

So, back to our original example:

float myArr[3]{1.2, 3.4, 5.6};
cout << *myArr << endl;

What gets printed?


  • Remember, we decided that the value of myArr is S1.
  • You might want to refer back to our memory diagram above!

What does this code snippet print?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    So, we can access the value in the first position of myArr, but—

  • RHS Cow speaking

    We can also change that value!

If we have

float myArr[3]{1.2, 3.4, 5.6};
*myArr = 7.8;

then the memory diagram looks like

memory diagram showing assignment of a value to the first float
available in the array

Assigning a value to *myArr is the same as assigning a value to the first float in the array!

The Name of an Array Item

  • Cat speaking

    So *myArr returns the value of the first item.

  • LHS Cow speaking


  • Cat speaking

    And *myArr = x sets the value of the first item to x.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Also, yes.

  • Cat speaking

    So… it seems like *myArr is just the name of the first item.

  • LHS Cow speaking


Though it's not literally a variable name (it's an operator applied to a variable), *myArr is, for all intents and purposes, a name for the first item in the array. We can get its value and we can assign a value to it.

So, on our diagram, we'll just write *myArr next to the first item as its name! Anytime we say *myArr in our code, we are talking about that item in the array.

memory diagram showing a name pointing to a memory location

Recall this code snippet:

int main() {
    float num = 3.14;
    int a[5]{11, 22, 33, 44, 55};
    return 0;

Add a Value to the Array

Write a line of code that assigns the value 42 to the first position in the array.

Accessing Other Items

  • Duck speaking

    What's the point of having an array if you can only access the first item?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    That would indeed be silly. Thankfully, that's not our situation!

  • RHS Cow speaking

    We just need a bit more syntax to make it work.

If x stores a memory address, then *x is the value at that memory address.

We can also get memory addresses at offsets from x. Specifically, x + 1 is also a memory address. It's the "next" memory address.

So, if myArr has the value S1, then myArr + 1 has the value S2.

  • Cat speaking

    So then we can get the value of the second item!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Yes, that's right!

We know that *myArr is a name for the first item, because *x means the value at address x.

In that case, *(myArr + 1) is a name for the second item, because myArr + 1 gives the address S2.

Set an Array Item to a Value

Write a line of code that uses these ideas to set the value of the third item in myArr to 4.2.

So now we can label every item in the array with a name!

memory diagram showing more names for memory locations

Deeper Dive: Adding to a Memory Address

If you get the general idea, you can skip this deeper dive, but if it all seems a bit odd, or if you want a slightly deeper understanding, keep reading.

The truth is that every byte in memory has an address. So, if x is the address of a byte (say, 0xfb34a82), you might imagine that x + 1 is just the address of the next byte (say, 0xfb34a83).

The problem with this is that most types take up more than one byte. For instance, in the most common systems an int takes up 4 bytes of memory. The address of an int is the address of the first byte in that int. But the next byte is just somewhere inside the int! That wouldn't be very helpful for accessing items in an array.

So the truth is that if x is the address of (the first byte of) an int (say, 0xfb34a82), then x + 1 is the address of (the first byte of) the next int (0xfb34a86, 4 bytes further because an int takes up 4 bytes).

In our CS 70 memory model we don't worry about addresses at the byte-level, so we don't need to worry about this subtlety.

Indexing Syntax

  • Hedgehog speaking

    This all seems really complicated. Whatever happened to myArr[0], like in Java?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Oh, we can do that too!

  • Hedgehog speaking


  • LHS Cow speaking

    Yeah, totally. That works in C++ too!

If myArr is an array, then myArr[i] is exactly equivalent to *(myArr + i), and is a name for the item at index i.

So we can redraw our diagram as

memory diagram showing how myArr[i] is the same as *(myArr + i)

Indexing Notation

Using indexing notation, write a line of code that sets the third element of myArr to 4.2.

  • Hedgehog speaking

    If we can just use the square brackets like usual, why would you show us all this stuff about memory addresses and stars and stuff?!??

  • LHS Cow speaking

    We did say that it would be familiar by the end!

  • RHS Cow speaking

    Understanding what the square brackets mean will help you make predictions about what might happen when you use them in unfamiliar situations.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Also, memory addresses and stars are going to be important this semester. This is just the first encounter!


Suppose that we declare an array a as int a[5];.

  • Using the variable name a by itself gives us a memory address.
    • Specifically, a gives us the memory address of the first item in the array.
  • To access the item at index i, you can use a[i].
  • The compiler literally changes the syntax a[i] into this equivalent form: *(a + i).
    • a + i is the memory address at an offset of i from the address given by a.
    • So, in effect, a + i is the memory address of the item at index i, and
    • *(a + i) is the actual value at the address given by a + i.

Mysterious Mysteries Demystified (Optional)

  • Sherlock speaking

    Now, after all this time, you finally know why computer scientists start indexing at 0! Because really the index is an offset from the address of the first element.

  • Dog speaking


  • Duck speaking


  • Hedgehog speaking


  • Octopus speaking


  • Sherlock speaking

    These days many high-level languages don't give direct access to memory addresses like this, but still 0-index because of tradition and backwards compatibility.

  • Watson speaking

    Python could easily index lists starting at 1; they just don't because programmers are so used to 0-indexing.

  • Sherlock speaking

    Matlab, on the other hand, 1-indexes containers because it is more targeted at mathematicians, who are used to 1-indexing vectors and matrices.

  • Watson speaking

    Either way, deep down it's all about memory addresses!

  • Octopus speaking

    And gold!

  • Sherlock speaking


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