CS 70

Week 3, Lesson 1

This lesson focuses on an important topic for scaling up our programs: multifile compilation. We will explore how to break up our code into multiple files.

It addresses the following Group 3 learning goals:

  • Goal 3A: Compilation Stages:

    • Describe the stages of compilation and recognize common errors and their causes at various stages.
  • Goal 3B: Compilation Commands:

    • Write compilation commands to compile a multifile program
      • For the first time
      • To recompile it recompile after a change (compiling only the files necessary).
  • Goal 3C: Program Organization:

    • Explain the division of code into header and source files.
    • Use #include directives to ensure that declarations of variables, classes, functions, etc. are visible.
  • Goal 3D: Include Guards:

    • Identify the problem that include guards address.
    • Implement a valid include guard.
  • Duck speaking

    What's an include guard?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    We'll get to it! Hold your horses!

  • Horse speaking


    No, seriously—does anyone have some hay?


(Maybe take a stretch break if you want?)

(This is another good spot for a quick break!)

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