CS 70

Key Points

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Here's a summary of what we've learned in this lesson.


  • An iterator is an object that represents a “location” in a collection (a.k.a. container).

    • It can get/set the item at that location, and move forward to the next location.
    • Provides a unified interface for iteration in lots of data structures.
    • Allows a data structure to define the best way to iterate through its items.
  • Other languages also have iterators, so they are a general concept; not C++ specific.

  • C++'s iterators are inspired by the begin/past-the-end scheme for iterating over an array.

  • In the C++ standard library, a container provides the following functions:

    • begin—returns an iterator to the first item, and
    • end—returns an iterator "one past" the last item.
      • We use the end iterator to know when we've gone too far in a loop!
    • It must be the case that…
      • If i is an iterator to the last item in c, then ++i == c.end(), and
      • A container c is empty if and only if c.begin() == c.end().
  • In the C++ standard library, an iterator offers the following operations:

  • *iter — returns a reference to the item at the iterator's location.

    • ++iter — advances the iterator to the next location.
    • iter != otherIter — returns true if the two iterators are not at the same location.
  • "Iterator" is not another word for "pointer".

    • Both iterators and pointers abstractly represent a concept of “location” and allow access to the data at a location.
    • A pointer is the iterator type for a primitive array.
    • An iterator might have a pointer as a member to help it do its job.
    • But an iterator object has data and member functions, whereas a pointer is just a primitive type representing a memory address.
  • Common idioms for looping through a collection using an iterator:

    for (std::vector<int>::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); ++iter) {
        std::cout << *iter << std::endl;


    for (auto iter = vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); ++iter) {
        std::cout << *iter << std::endl;


    for (int x : vec) {
        std::cout << x << std::endl;
  • Read-only iterators are a distinct type where operator* returns a const reference rather than a non-const reference. They're usually called const_iterator rather than iterator.

  • Cat speaking

    I get the general idea, and I feel okay with using iterators, but I don't feel like I have any practice actually making new iterator classes.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    That's right.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    Don't worry, practice with building our own iterators is coming.

C++'s Sequence Containers

We also learned about std::vector and std::list in C++'s standard library. They are both examples of sequence containers (a.k.a. lists), and they're both generic in that they can hold a type of our choosing.

  • std::list<T> is a doubly linked list with list items of type T.
  • std::vector<T> is an array-backed list with array elements items of type T and automatic resizing.

Both are full-featured list objects, with useful member functions well-suited to their underlying representations (a.k.a. encodings).

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