CS 70

Lesson 3: Introduction to Asymptotic Complexity

  • LHS Cow speaking

    We've learned a bunch of C++, and we're ready to start using our C++ knowledge to build data structures!

  • RHS Cow speaking

    As we learn about different structures in the second half of the course, we'll want a formal way to compare their performance.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Today, we'll look at some of the ways we can think about how long it takes to perform an operation.

This lesson addresses aspects of the following course learning goals in Group 7:

  • Goal 7A: Measuring Cost:
    • Explain the benefits and limitations of empirical testing, counting operations, and asymptotic analysis as ways to measure cost.
  • Goal 7B: Asymptotic Complexity:
    • Compare and contrast \( \mathrm{o}() \), \( \mathrm{O}() \), \( \Theta() \), \( \Omega() \), and \( \omega() \), including identifying which to use to describe specific operations.
  • Goal 7C: Complexity Analyses:
    • Explain the difference between the following analyses:
      • Best case
      • Expected case
      • Worst case
    • Perform these analyses on uncomplicated algorithms.


Was all that math tiring? Consider taking a break!

You might want to grab a stretch before we move on to the next topic.

There's not a ton left, but if you are feeling fatigued, you could take a breather here.

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