CS 70

Case Study: Linear Search

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Let's practice our complexity analysis skills with a really important algorithm!

  • RHS Cow speaking

    It's an algorithm you use so often that you probably don't even know it has a name…

Look Up in an Array

Say we have an array of \( n \) numbers. We are given a number \( x \) and we want to determine if \( x \) is in the array or not.

Here's some code for that:

bool lookUp(float x, float* arr, size_t arrSize) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < arrSize; ++i) {
        if (arr[i] == x) {
            return true; // Found it!
    return false; // If we are here, we've compared x to everything in the array
  • LHS Cow speaking

    This algorithm is called "linear search."

  • RHS Cow speaking

    Let's analyze it!

Best-Case Analysis

Which of the following accurately characterizes the best-case complexity of this algorithm?

In the best case, we find x right away! That happens when the code matches with the first element.

So we compare against exactly one element of the array and then return.

There are a bunch of operations involved (initialization, indexing, comparison, etc.), but the number of them is not related to \( n \).

Thus we can say that the best-case complexity is \( \Theta(1) \). In English, we might say that it "takes constant time" or is "order 1".

Worst-Case Analysis

Which of the following accurately characterizes the worst-case complexity of this algorithm?

In the worst case, we don't find x at all.

In that case we compare against every element of the array and then return, which means the loop iterates \( n \) times. Each iteration of the loop takes \( \Theta(1) \) time, so we can say that the worst-case complexity is \( \Theta(n) \). In English we might say that it "takes linear time" or is "order \( n \)".

Expected-Case Analysis

So the best- and worst-case complexities are different orders! Is the function's typical behavior close to the best case, or closer to the worst case?

Remember that to perform an expected-case analysis, we have to make some assumptions about how likely different cases are.

Let's assume that

  • The value of x is present in the array, and
  • The value of x is equally likely to be in any position in the array.

Under the above probabilistic assumptions, which of the following accurately characterizes the expected case complexity of this algorithm?

(Don't just guess or rely on intuition. Do the derivation!)

Cases: We have \( n \) cases: one for each possible position in the array. In Case 1, x is the first element of the array; in Case 2, x is the second element; and so on.

So for Case \( k \), we must compare against \( k \) elements in the array before finding x.

Probabilities: Under our assumption of equal probabilities, each case has probability \( \frac{1}{n} \).

Expected complexity: We have

\[ \begin{align} & \sum^{n}_{k=1} \mathrm{Pr}( \mathrm{Case}\ 1 ) \cdot{} \mathrm{Cost}\ \cdot{} ( \mathrm{Case}\ k ) \\ & = \sum_{k=1} \left( \frac{1}{n} \right) k \\ & = \frac{1}{n} \cdot \sum^{n}_{k=1} k. \end{align} \]

Hopefully we can see where our good friend Gauss can help us here:

$$ \frac{1}{n} \cdot \sum^{n}_{k=1} k = \frac{1}{n} \cdot \frac{ n( n + 1 ) }{2} = \frac{ n + 1}{2}. $$

Thus we can see that \( \frac{ n + 1 }{2} \in \Theta(n) \).

  • LHS Cow speaking

    So in this example, the expected cost is more like the worst case. It's good to know that we should just expect it to take linear time.

  • Goat speaking

    Meh. Is the expected-case complexity ever asymptotically better than the worst-case complexity?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Yes! Later this semester we will encounter some important examples where the worst case is bad but exceedingly rare.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    In those examples the expected complexity is more like the best case than the worst.

Linear Search: Summary

We've concluded that linear search has

  • \( \Theta(1) \) best-case complexity;
  • \( \Theta(n) \) worst-case complexity; and
  • \( \Theta(n) \) expected-case complexity, assuming that we are equally likely to find x in any location.

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