CS 70

Key Points

Empirical timing

  • Tells you how long a program actually took, which is great.
  • But the findings are specific to the experimental conditions (compiler options, computer, inputs tested, etc.).
  • So we have to be careful how we extrapolate the findings to other conditions.

Operation counting

  • Give the number of times a particular operation (or set of operations) occur as a function of some aspect of the input.
  • Abstracts away all system-level issues (compiler, CPU, etc.)
  • Allows us to weigh trade-offs in constant factors and lower-order terms.
  • Requires us to make choices about what to count and what to account for in the input.
  • Can be unnecessarily tedious/detailed for some questions.

Asymptotic analysis

  • Answers the question “How well does this algorithm scale?” (e.g., what happens if we double the input size)
    • Technically, is focused on how the cost grows as the size of the input goes to infinity.
      • As a result we ignore constant factors and lower-order terms.
      • In practice conclusions about how costs grow are usually applicable to merely “large” sizes, not just infinite ones.
  • Must useful when costs are fundamentally different (e.g., \(\Theta(n\) vs \(\Theta(n^2\)) rather than when they appear the same.
  • \(f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))\) means that \(f\) and \(g\) are asymptotically similar.
    • \(f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))\) if and only if 0 < \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{f(n)}{g(n)} < \infty\)
  • Usually we compare a cost function to simple reference functions, sometimes called orders of complexity:
    • \(\Theta(1)\) — constant time
    • \(\Theta(\log n)\) — logarithmic time
    • \(\Theta(n)\) — linear time
    • \(\Theta(n \log n)\) — linearithmic time
    • \(\Theta(n^2)\) — quadratic time
    • etc.
  • \(f(n) \in \textrm{O}(g(n))\) means that \(f\) is "no worse than" \(g\) in an asymptotic sense.
    • \(f(n) \in \textrm{O}(g(n))\) if and only if \(\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{f(n)}{g(n)} < \infty\)
    • Example usage:
      • "In the worst case the complexity is \(\Theta(n)\) and in the best case it is \(\Theta(1)\), so the complexity is \(O(n)\)."
  • The asymptotic notation family:
    • \(f(n) \in \textrm{o}(g(n))\), kind of like \(x < y\).
    • \(f(n) \in \textrm{O}(g(n))\), kind of like \(x \le y\).
    • \(f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))\), kind of like \(x = y\).
    • \(f(n) \in \Omega(g(n))\), kind of like \(x \ge y\).
    • \(f(n) \in \omega(g(n))\), kind of like \(x > y\).

Best case analysis

  • What is the smallest number of operations for an input of size \(n\)?

Worst case analysis

  • What is the largest number of operations for an input of size \(n\)?

Expected case analysis

  • What is a "typical" number of operations?
  • Three steps:
    • Break the outcomes into cases so that each case has the same complexity
    • Assign probabilities to the cases
      • Usually we assume a probability model that we think will help us understand the algorithm in practice.
      • A very common probability model is the "uniform probability" model which assumes every case is equally likely.
    • Find the expected complexity
      • A weighted sum of the complexities of the cases, weighted by probability.
      • \(\sum_{k} Pr(\textrm{Case}\ k)\textit{Cost}(\textrm{Case}\ k)\)

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