CS 70

Nested Loops

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Is this starting to make sense?

  • Hedgehog speaking

    I didn't like it when we went all the way down to defining problem size as number of bits (why!!??!), but if we can keep things sensible, I think I might be able to cope.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Yes, we'll keep that part more sensible. But actually that was a really simple algorithm. Algorithms we care about are often more complicated.

  • Hedgehog speaking

    Oh no, I was afraid you'd say that… I need a lie down.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Don't worry! It's all just counting and adding, right? As long as you can break the program down into simple parts, you're fine!

  • RHS Cow speaking

    One situation where breaking things down is trickier is when loops are nested within each other.

Example 1

Consider this snippet:

Cow bessie;                            // 1
for (size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) {       // 2
    bessie.moo();                      // 3
    for (size_t j = 0; j < m; ++j) {   // 4
        bessie.moo();                  // 5
    }                                  // 6
    bessie.moo();                      // 7
}                                      // 8
bessie.moo();                          // 9

Let's let

  • \( n = \) m in the program, and
  • \( \mathrm{C}_{\mathtt{moo}}(n) \) be the number of times bessie moo()s when \( n = \) m.

Work out the number of moo()s as an expression in terms of \( n \).

Note that you'll probably need a piece of paper and a bit of thinking to work this out.

When answering, write powers using a caret, ^ (e.g., as n^6 to represent \( n^6 \)).

Looking at our code, we see

1 There are no moo()s on line 1.
2 No moo()s on line 2, either, but we have the start of a loop from lines 2 through 8, which is run \( n \) times.
3 For each iteration of this loop we have one moo() on line 3.
4 We then have an inner loop from lines 4 to 6, which, again, runs \( n \) times.
5 Line 5 has a moo() each time through the loop.
We can characterize the number of moo()s in the inner loop as \( \sum^{n}_{i=1} 1 = n \).
6 The inner loop ends at line 6.
7 We have one moo() on line 7.
8 The outer loop ends on line 8.
We can characterize the number of moo()s in the outer loop as
\[ \sum^{n}_{i=1} ( 1 + n + 1 ) \; = \; n ( 1 + n + 1 ) \; = \; n(n + 2) \; = \; n^2 + 2n .\]
9 We have one last moo() on line 9.

Thus we can say that the number of moo()s in this code is \( \mathrm{C}_{\mathtt{moo}}(n) = n^2 + 2n + 1 \), where \( n = \) m.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Here's an optional video that goes over this argument.

Example 2

Consider this very similar snippet (the difference is highlighted in yellow):

Cow bessie;                            // 1
for (size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) {       // 2
    bessie.moo();                      // 3
    for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {   // 4
        bessie.moo();                  // 5
    }                                  // 6
    bessie.moo();                      // 7
}                                      // 8
bessie.moo();                          // 9

Let's let

  • \( n = \) m in the program, and
  • \( \mathrm{C}_{\mathtt{moo}}(n) \) be the number of times bessie moo()s when \( n = \) m.

Work out the number of moos as an expression in terms of \( n \).

Again, you'll probably need a piece of paper and a bit of thinking to work this out.

Back to our code.

1 There are no moo()s on line 1.
2 We have a loop from lines 2 through 8; running \( n \) times (m times).
3 Line 3 has a single moo(), which is called each time the loop runs.
4 An inner loop runs from lines 4 through 6. It runs five times.
5 Line 5 has a moo() that runs each time through the inner loop.
We can characterize the number of moo()s in this loop as \( \sum^{5}_{i=1} 1 = 5 .\)
6 The inner loop ends.
7 One more moo() on line 7.
8 Our outer loop closes.
So we can characterize the number of moos in the outer loop as
\[ \sum^{n}_{i=1} (1 + 5 + 1 ) = \sum^{n}_{i=1} 7 = 7n . \]
9 Finally, there is one more moo() on line 9.

Thus, the total number of moo()s in this code is \( \mathrm{C}_{\mathtt{moo}}(n) = 7n + 1 \), where \( n = \) m.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    We can also go over the analysis in a video…

Example 3

Consider one more similar snippet (the difference is highlighted in yellow):

Cow bessie;                            // 1
for (size_t i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {      // 2
    bessie.moo();                      // 3
    for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {   // 4
        bessie.moo();                  // 5
    }                                  // 6
    bessie.moo();                      // 7
}                                      // 8
bessie.moo();                          // 9

Big hint: There is a really important formula attributed to Carl Friedrich Gauss via a fun, apocryphal story. [It also makes an appearance in s2e11, “2πR”, of Person of Interest!]

You should commit it to memory! It says that, for any \( N \geq 1 \), \[ \sum^{N}_{i=1} i = \frac{N(N + 1)}{2}. \]

Work out the number of moo()s as an expression in terms of \( n \).

1 There is no moo() on line 1.
2 The start of a loop that goes around \( n \) times.
3 In each iteration of this outer loop we have one moo() on line 3.
4 An inner loop starts on line 4, running i times.
5 Line 5 has one moo(), which runs each time through the loop.
6 We exit the inner loop.
We can characterize the number of moo()s in the inner loop as \( \sum^{i}_{j=1} 1 = i \)
7 There is one moo() on line 7.
8 The outer loop ends on line 8.
So we can characterize the number of moo()s in the outer loop as
\( \sum^{n}_{i=1} ( 1 + i + 1 ) = \sum^{n}_{i=1} i + \sum^{n}_{i=1} 2 \).
Applying Gauss' formula (or using Wolfram Alpha), we can simplify to \( \frac{ n( n + 1 ) }{ 2 } + 2n = 0.5n^2 + 2.5n .\)
9 There is one moo() on line 9.

So, all together, the number of moo()s is \( \mathrm{C}_{\mathtt{moo}}(n) = 0.5n^2 + 2.5n + 1 \), where \( n = \) m.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    And here's a video:

  • RHS Cow speaking

    The main takeaway here is that it's all about adding things together!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Complicated algorithms may look intimidating at first, but very often you can break them into simpler blocks that aren't so scary.

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