CS 70

Lesson 1

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Today we'll talk about some fundamental ideas: interfaces, encodings, and implementations.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    We'll also think about the promises data structures make.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    And we'll talk about when an iterator ceases to be valid.

This lesson will be relevant to the following Group 6 learning goals:

  • 6B (Using Iterators): Read and write C++ code using the standard C++ iterator idiom, including const iterators and const_iterators.
  • 6D (Iterator Validity): Explain why iterators can cease to be valid and identify common operations that cause iterators to no longer be valid.


At this point we'll change gears a bit and look at “the rules” for iterators. It's a good spot for a break.

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