CS 70

Lesson 2

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Today we'll meet our first self-balancing BST!

  • RHS Cow speaking

    After today's lesson, you should be able to explain how 2–3–4 and Red–Black trees maintain balance. You should also be able to model insertion in 2–3–4 and Red–Black trees.

This lesson will be relevant to the following learning goals in Group 8:

  • Goal 8C: 2–3–4 and Red–Black Trees:
  • Explain how 2–3–4 and red–black trees maintain balance.
  • Goal 8D: BST Complexity:
  • Use asymptotic complexity terminology to describe the cost of insert and lookup for
    • Randomized BSTs
    • 2–3–4 trees
    • Red–Black trees
    • Splay trees
  • Discuss the implications of those costs for usage.


This is a pretty good spot for a break before we get into the weeds of red–black trees.

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