CS 70

Complexity and Applications of Red–Black Trees

There's really nothing new here—because a Red–Black tree is a specific way of representing a 2–3–4 tree, operations on Red–Black trees have the same cost (within constant factors) as their corresponding 2–3–4 trees!

What's the worst-case cost of insert for a red–black tree?

std::set and std::map

Because of of their good worst-case complexity, Red–Black trees are commonly used to implement standard C++ data structures such as std::set and std::map.

  • Duck speaking

    What do you mean, “commonly”?

  • Bjarne speaking

    The C++ standard does not mandate any specific implementation for std::set or std::map. It just says that they have to have certain properties and provide certain operations.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    In practice, every popular C++ compiler implements std::set and std::map using a Red–Black tree.

  • Bjarne speaking

    But in principle they could pick a different kind of balanced tree, such an an AVL tree or a AA tree.

  • Goat speaking

    Meh. Do I need to care about those other techniques, especially if no one bothers to use them these days?

  • Bjarne speaking

    No, not really. But it's good to know that the standard doesn't mandate a specific implementation.

Completely Fair Scheduling

Red–Black trees also have an important role in the Linux kernel.

When you are running lots of jobs on one CPU, the operating system has to decide how to divvy up processor time to the different tasks. That can be tricky because sometimes you give CPU time to a job but it can't use it because it's waiting for the disk or for user input or for some other slow resource. You want to put that process back in line to wait for the CPU again, but maybe you don't want it to wait for a super long time; you want it to have access to the CPU when it is finally ready to use it.

Linux uses an algorithm called the “Completely Fair Scheduler”, which stores process information in… a Red–Black tree! The keys in the tree are the amount of time that a process has had with the CPU. The tree structure makes it easy to find the process with the smallest amount of CPU time that is also currently ready to use the CPU.

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