CS 70

Relaxing a Constraint: Multiple Types of Nodes

  • LHS Cow speaking

    A perfect tree is one where every leaf is exactly the same distance from the root.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    Most trees can't be perfect. Why is that?

  • Dog speaking

    Well, nobody's perfect!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Well, that's true. But also…

  • Koala speaking

    Because only certain sized trees can be perfect! If you don't have the right number of nodes to exactly fill a level, then your tree won't be perfect no matter how balanced it is!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Exactly! But that doesn't stop our first tree today—the 2–3–4 tree.

  • RHS Cow speaking

    2–3–4 Trees relentlessly demand perfection.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    In a 2–3–4 tree, every leaf will always be exactly the same distance from the root!

  • Cat speaking

    That… seems too good to be true.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Well, yes and no. Something has to give. In the case of 2–3–4 trees, it's the binary part of binary-search tree.

  • Horse speaking

    Whoah, what? How is that even a thing?

2-, 3-, and 4-Nodes

In a 2–3–4 Tree, we can have three different node types:


A 2-node is what other BSTs just call a “node”. It stores one value, which we'll call key. It has two children:

  • The left subtree holds values that are less than key.
  • The right subtree holds values that are greater than key.


A 3-node expands on a 2-node by allowing a second value to be stored in it. We'll call the values key1 and key2. A 3-Node has three children:

  • The left subtree holds values that are less than key1.
  • The middle subtree holds values that are between key1 and key2.
  • The right subtree holds values that are greater than key2.


As you might have guessed, a 4-node expands on a 3-node by allowing a third value to be stored in it As long as we're being creative, let's call them key1, key2, and key3. A 4-Node has four children:

  • The left subtree holds values that are less than key1.
  • The next subtree holds values that are between key1 and key2.
  • The third subtree holds values that are between key2 and key3.
  • The right subtree holds values that are greater than key3.

How many values are stored in a 3-Node?

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