CS 70

Implementing Rotations

  • Hedgehog speaking

    I'm not feeling super confident about writing code to do rotations, and I'm worried that if I get it wrong, nothing will work right.

  • Koala speaking

    Yeah, mate, a bad rotation could make a real dog's breakfast of your tree.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    No worries, we can write rightRotate together!

  • Dog speaking

    What's that about a dog's breakfast?

  • LHS Cow speaking


Let's begin with a bit of review. Our TreeStringSet encoding looks like

class TreeStringSet {
    Node* root_;

And our Node struct looks like

struct Node {
    std::string value_;
    Node* left_;
    Node* right_;

Also, remember that we wrote insert as

void TreeStringSet::nodeInsert(Node*& node, const string& key) {
    if (node == nullptr) {
        node = new Node{key};
    } else if (key < node->value_) {
        nodeInsert(node->left_, key);
    } else if (node->value_ < key) {
        nodeInsert(node->right_, key);
    } else {
        throw std::logic_error("duplicate key");
  • Hedgehog speaking

    Wait… That Node*& thing still freaks me out…

  • Cat speaking

    It freaked me out, too, but remember: in its base case, nodeInsert needed to be able to change the value of node, which is a Node*!

  • Koala speaking

    Too right, mate. That meant that we couldn't just pass in a Node* like we did for lookup, because we'd be changing a copy!

  • Cat speaking

    Having a reference to the pointer lets us change the value in the parent node so that it points to the new node we created.

  • Hedgehog speaking

    Oh! That makes so much more sense now!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    It's like you don't even need us anymore!

When we implement rotations, we're changing a part of the tree, so we want to make sure that we're acting on references to Node*s, not copies.

The signature for our right-rotation function will look like

void TreeStringSet::rotateRight(Node*& top) {

    // To be determined ...


Our rotation function will have to rearrange pointers so that the structure of the tree is correct.

As a reminder, here's our image summarizing how a right rotation should behave:

For a right rotation as pictured above, what will top be a pointer to when the rotation function is called?

For the right rotation pictured above, which of the following have to change?

There's no “right” order to change the pointers around, but we need to make sure that we don't lose the addresses of any of our Nodes while we're working. Here's one possible order:

 * Rotates the tree to the right.
 * \param top is d in the diagram.
 *           d                 b
 *          / \               / \
 *         /   \             /   \
 *        b     E    ==>    A     d
 *       / \                     / \
 *      /   \                   /   \
 *     A     C                 C     E

void TreeStringSet::rotateRight(Node*& top) {
    // Save a temporary pointer to d and b so we don't lose it.
    Node* d = top;
    Node* b = top->left_;

    // Make a copy of the Node* to give a name that matches the diagram.
    Node* C = b->right_;

    // Change d's left child to be C
    d->left_ = C;
    // Change b's right child to be d
    b->right_ = d;

    // Make b the new top.
    top = b;

 * Rotates the tree to the left.
 * \param top is b in the diagram.
 *        b                       d
 *       / \                     / \
 *      /   \                   /   \
 *     A     d       ==>       b     E
 *          / \               / \
 *         /   \             /   \
 *        C     E           A     C

void TreeStringSet::rotateLeft(Node*& top) {

    // You have to do this one!

  • Horse speaking

    Hay! Would you mind if I just copied this code?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    If you give attribution, it's fine!

  • RHS Cow speaking

    But in the homework, you also need to keep the sizes of subtrees up to date as you perform rotations, so there is a little more left to do.

  • Hedgehog speaking

    Well, thank you, anyway! This is certainly a good start.

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