CS 70

Insert and Move to Root

  • Horse speaking

    Hay, there's something I still don't understand.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    What's that?

  • Horse speaking

    To make our randomized tree work, we have to insert at the root of a subtree. How is that even possible?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Oh yeah. We'd better work that out.

We won't literally insert directly at the root of a subtree.

Instead, we will insert our key in a leaf (as usual) and then use rotations to move the new node up to the root of the subtree.

The algorithm will be very similar to our usual BST insertion, with just a bit of extra code for the rotations.

Implementing insertAndMoveToRoot

Below is an unfinished function for insertAndMoveToRoot. Right now, it just does ordinary BST insertion.

 * \brief Inserts the given key into the subtree rooted at the given node,
 *        and moves the key to the root of the subtree.
 * \param node A reference to a pointer to the root node of the subtree
 * \param key  A constant reference to the key to be inserted
void insertAndMoveToRoot(Node*& node, const string& key) {
    if (node == nullptr) {
        node = new Node{key};
    } else if (key < node->value_) {
        insertAndMoveToRoot(node->left_, key);
        // New line goes here
    } else {
        insertAndMoveToRoot(node->right_, key);
        // New line goes here

Assuming we successfully write this function, immediately after the recursive call to insertAndMoveToRoot() in the elseif block, where will the newly inserted value be?

Okay, so it's almost there. Now, let's remind ourselves of the concept we saw last week, tree rotations:

And in particular, imagine we've got two functions rotateLeft and rotateRight that do the following take a tree node and perform the appropriate rotation.

What line should we add to replace the first placeholder comment, completing the elseif block?

Because in this case our new value is just to the left of the root, we need a right rotation to get the new value to the root of the whole tree.

In the else case, when we've inserted into the right subtree, we'd have to do the opposite.

An Example

Just to help you visualize this algorithm, here's a quick video example:

Optional: A Connection

  • Sherlock speaking

    I believe I have solved another mystery!

  • Watson speaking

    Do tell, Sherlock old chum!

  • Sherlock speaking

    Recall that splay trees always move keys to the root as well.

  • Watson speaking

    Well remembered, Holmes!

  • Sherlock speaking

    This must be how splay trees work!

  • Watson speaking

    Brilliant! You've done it again!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Very close, Sherlock, but not quite. There are some extra details.

  • Watson speaking

    Oh. That is… embarassing.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    It's not embarrassing! We all have something to learn, even the great Sherlock Holmes. If you want more information, check out the optional next page!

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