CS 70

Key Points

  • Priority queue
    • Stores items with keys that can be compared using < (most commonly numbers).
    • Regardless of order of insertion, gives easy access to “most-important” item.
    • “Most important” can be largest or smallest key.
  • Binary heap
    • A binary tree such that
      • The tree is complete (every level is full except the bottom, which is filled from left to right);
      • The key in any node is the largest/smallest in its subtree.
    • Usually encoded as an array rather than as a tree.
      • The array contains the items in level order.
    • Complexities:
      • GET-MIN: \( \Theta(1) \)
      • POP-MIN: \( \mathrm{O}( \log{n} ) \)
      • INSERT: \( \mathrm{O}( \log{n} ) \)
      • HEAPIFY: \( \Theta(n) \)
        • (Turn an array in arbitrary order into a heap)
    • A sorting algorithm that uses heap operations!
      • Essentially, MAX-HEAPIFY then POP-MAX every item.
    • Sorts an array of arbitrary numbers in \( \mathrm{O}( n \log n ) \) time.

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