CS 70


In this operation we need to remove the minimum priority element (the root). And then we have to fix the hole, while maintaining the heap property!

Walking Through POP-MIN

We need to remove the root of our heap, like

A Tempting but Misguided Idea…

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Now, what should take its place?

  • Sheep speaking

    Hmm…. How about 10? That's the smallest of its children.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Interesting. Then what would take 10's place?

  • Sheep speaking

    16, I guess? And then 21…?

  • LHS Cow speaking

    …and what's the problem?

  • Sheep speaking

    We broke completeness! Now the third layer isn't full.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Yeah, that's an issue.

A Much Better Idea…

  • LHS Cow speaking

    I have a suggestion. What if we protect completeness first (the structure property), then repair the heap property?

  • Sheep speaking

    Okay, then I guess I'd move 68 to the root.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    That way the tree stays complete!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Now we have to fix the order property…

  • Sheep speaking

    Right, so we can swap with the smallest child.

  • Sheep speaking

    And then keep swapping until it's in the right place.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Sounds good!

  • LHS Cow speaking

    Is it complete?

  • Sheep speaking


  • LHS Cow speaking

    Does it satisfy the heap property?

  • Sheep speaking


  • LHS Cow speaking

    Then it worked!

POP-MIN Algorithm

Here is the algorithm we just developed for POP-MIN:

  1. Replace the root (index 0) with the last element in the heap (index n - 1).
  2. Swap it with its smallest child until it has a smaller key than both children.


Starting with the tree pictured above (after popping 6), on paper, perform the POP-MIN operation again.

Then write down the level-order traversal of the resulting tree.

List the priorities (separated by a single space) in level-order after POPMIN.

Here is the resulting tree:

POP-MIN Complexity

The complexity analysis of POP-MIN is pretty much just like the one for INSERT.

  • We can replace the item at index 0 with the item at index \( n − 1 \) in \( \Theta(1) \) time.
  • In the best case, that item can just stay at the root, in which case we take an additional \( \Theta(1) \) time.
  • In the worst case, that item must sink all the way to the bottom again, which requires \( \Theta( \log{n} ) \) swaps.

So, overall, the complexity of POP-MIN is \( \mathrm{O}( \log{n} ) \).

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