CS 70

Lesson 1

  • Hedgehog speaking

    I don't like templates. Especially some of the long error messages.

  • Goat speaking

    If I have to type template <typename T> one more time, I swear I'll ram something.

  • LHS Cow speaking

    There is another way to avoid copying and pasting code. A way that was in C++ long before templates, and there are still times when it's the right choice.

  • Pig speaking

    MORE to learn?! I'm excited!

This lesson will address aspects of following goals from Group 10:

  • Goal 10B: Inheritance and Subtype Polymorphism:
  • Recognize code that creates derived classes from a base class, methods declared virtual and code that creates an abstract base class.
  • Apply the rule for dynamic dispatch to determine which function will be called.


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