CS 70

Key Points

Choosing Data Structures

  • High-level interface categories:
    • Linear data structures (e.g., list, stack, queue)
      • Good at keeping things in a particular order.
      • Not always good at searching the data for a particular item.
    • Associative data structures (e.g., set, map/dictionary)
      • Good at searching the data for a particular item.
      • Not always good at keeping track of the order of things.
    • Priority queue (kind of a category of its own)
      • Good at finding the minimum item (or the maximum item if we set it up that way instead).
      • Not good at searching the data for a particular item.
      • Not good at keeping things in a particular order (although we can keep removing the minimum).
  • There's no one data structure that's “best”—the best data structure depends on the particular application, since every data structure has different trade-offs.
  • The more you know about the assumptions you can make about the data you want to store, the more easily you can pick the best data structure.
  • For small problems, the choice of data structure may not make a noticeable difference in performance; it's not always necessary to do extra work to optimize!

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