Final Proficiency Check Retries for All Groups
If you received a “not demonstrated” for any of this semester's CS 70 proficiency checks, you may retake them here for the final time, this time with partial credit for partial demonstration of proficiency.
You can remind yourself of the learning objectives for these proficiency checks (especially the ones that you got wrong the first or second time) here:
- Group 0: Course Policies
- Group 1: Numeric Types and Memory Models
- Group 2: Statically Sized Arrays of Primitives
- Group 3: Compilation
- Group 4: References and Pointers
- Group 5: Object Lifetime
- Group 6: Iterators
- Group 7: Complexity
- Group 8: Trees
- Group 9: Hash Tables
- Group 10: Concluding Topics
When you feel you're ready to retake the proficiency checks, click the links below to go to Gradescope. Once you begin each proficiency check, you must complete it in one sitting and you may not refer to this webpage or any other resources (see the rules and reminders below).
- Group 0: Course Policies
- Group 1: Numeric Types and Memory Models
- Group 2: Statically Sized Arrays of Primitives
- Group 3: Compilation
- Group 4: References and Pointers
- Group 5: Object Lifetime
- Group 6: Iterators
- Group 7: Complexity
- Group 8: Trees
- Group 9: Hash Tables
- Group 10: Concluding Topics
Completing the Proficiency Checks
We have written these proficiency checks to be short (~5 minutes each), but there is no (real) time limit. Gradescope has a time limit of two hours per check, but that limit is there so that you will get a splash screen to confirm that you're ready to start the check—we do not expect you to use that much time!
However, you must start and end each proficiency check in a single sitting without interruption by other activities that would expose you to another person. No email, checking your phone, going to the dining hall, etc. Eating, resting, stretching, and other activities are encouraged if it helps you do your best!
Once you open a proficiency check assignment in Gradescope, your session has started. You may not leave and come back to it at a different time. So be sure not to open it until you're ready to complete it!
Each final try will be graded much like other exam questions you've experienced, with partial credit for partial demonstration of proficiency. If you get one or two minor things wrong, you'll probably get almost full credit. If you get many things or particularly important things wrong, you'll get less credit.
You may not use any resources while you are completing this assignment, including course webpages, textbooks, your own notes, a compiler, Internet resources, and so on.
A Note on Academic Integrity
We believe that these untimed proficiency checks, which you are allowed to take at any point during the week, allow each student to best demonstrate their learning through frequent, low-stakes assessment at the time that works best for them. This flexibility is only possible if we all truly commit to meeting our community's academic-integrity expectations. You may study for this proficiency check with other people in the class. You must complete this proficiency check on your own. You cannot share or distribute this proficiency check with anyone. You cannot discuss the check question(s) with anyone in the class until after the due date (including the optional late day). You can never discuss the exam with anyone who is not in CS 70. You cannot use resources (e.g., notes, a computer) not explicitly described above.
If you have any questions about the rules, ask before you start the proficiency check.
(When logged in, completion status appears here.)