Publications by Faculty and Students
Student Publications: 2007
Markham, L., S. Cord Melton, and Z. Dodds
Robot control via region-based 3d reconstruction, Proceedings, Intelligent Systems and Control, Cambridge, MA
Wolin,Aaron, Devin Smith and Christine Alvarado
A Pen-based Tool for Efficient Labeling of 2D Sketches, Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM), Riverside, CA
Conbere, M., and Z. Dodds
Toys and Tools: Accessible Robotics via Laptop Computers, 2007 AAAI Robot Workshop, Vancouver, BC
Tribelhorn, B. and Z. Dodds
Evaluating the Roomba: A low-cost, ubiquitous platform for robotics research and education, 2007 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Rome, Italy
Tribelhorn, B., and Z. Dodds
Envisioning the Roomba as AI Resource: A Classroom and Laboratory Evaluation, 2007 Spring Symposium: Robots and Robot Venues: Resources for AI Education, Stanford, CA
Tribelhorn, B. and Z. Dodds
Roomba and Mac OS X: Cross-platform Vision and Robotics for AI, Technical Report from the 2006 AAAI Robot Workshop